Zacks birth story


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2006
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well. i was due to go into hospital on monday just gone for bp moitoring, woke up at 3am on that monday with terrible pains under ribcage, was told this could be dangerous so rang hospital and was told to go straight in. was told that i had pre-eclampsia so would be kept in to be induced. got to induction room at about 11.30am and spent ages i there being monitored etc. had 2 sets of pessaries to start contractions. 2nd set started to work after about 1 hour. at about 8pm i was in agony but was told that that was due to the pessaries annoying my uterus and that i probably wasnt contracting. with being induced i couldnt have water birth so with being in so much pain i started to rethink pain relief. was examined to find i was about 2-3 cms dialated so i could have pain relief. decided to go for diamorphine injection and was then taken to a delivery room where i could start to settle, christ that injetion was fabulous!! felt out of my trolley. the pains moved from my stomach to my back which i could handle. managed to get some sleep. woke up at about 1.30am with pains starting again, thought id have to have a top up of injection but was told to try gas and air, goodness i then really started to fly!!! i started to bounce on the birthing ball and that was so comfortable. i was contracting on the ball and hammering the gas and air. was examined again at 6am and was told i was fully dialated so they broke my waters to speed things up. started to try and push but they werent happy with zacks heartbeat.. so decided to go for vontuse. his head got stuck half way out so i was told to wait like that for next contraction. fab eh!! anyway he came out ok but after i delivered i lost 1 litre of blood so have 3 sets of stitches keeping everything together!!! anyway this is going on a wee bit too long so Zack Kilburn Wallwork was born 14th feb 2006 at 7.11am weighing 7lb 1oz.
back at home now will try to attach some of the photos we have!!!! ... ae7671.jpg ... 015b4d.jpg ... 9a2239.jpg
awww bless sounds like you had a bit of a rough time hun lovely pics xxxx
awww sounds like u didnt have the easiest of times

but he really is gorgous
congratulations lovely piccies. zack has a beautiful head of hair.

well done.

Ouch! sounds like you had a bit of a rough time.

He looks well worth the effort though - what a sweetie!


L x
Congratulations Leanne!

Olivia 1 wk 1 day

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