baby is quiet


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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Counted about 3 movements this morning but he has been really quiet since i dont like this stage as i tend to see my tum move rather than feel much my belly doesnt feel as hard as it has done but he is normally more active at night gonna go get doppler to heck but dont know whether to wait until later to see if movement like normal. Does anyone else not feel during dy and mostly at night
My baby used to have a routine, waking every 3/4 hours, but evenings I'd have loads of movement in the evening. have a glass of orange juice and see if that gets baby moving x
Mines not movin as much today but I've been busy all day,literally only just sat down and got guests comin in half an hour. I find havin a cold drink gets him movin xx
My little one does move a bit during the day but definitely more during evening/night.
i keep worrying about this,

mine has been really still for the last 2 days.... but been having lot of hiccups, so i kno there ok, but still a bit of a worry,

MW is soooo hard to get hold of, and i kno if i phone the hosp they will just be like "well come in if u want but ul b fine" lol
There has been more movement tonight if thats what u can call little jeels moving about phew wht a rwlief x
If you havent felt your baby move as usual you really should phone your maternity ward and tell a midwife. It is a myth that babies go quiet at the end of pregnancy and hiccups arent counted as movement. Dont be fobbed off either by being told to drink a cold drink, this isnt evidence based advice. It does sometimes get them moving, but it shouldnt be offered as advice. The midwives at the hospital have a duty to check out anyone who has low fetal movements because this can be a sign that there may be something wrong. You usually find that when they put you on the ctg machine, the baby starts moving and shows you up, but its better to be safe than sorry. xx
Devon wakes up after I use the loo and after eating as I guess there is more or less space in there, so he can change he position , only 32 weeks myself , so I guess he will losw down soon.

Apples get him moving really quickly, fruit suger is easily absorbed I guess
he is more active today I do tend to get some days where he is more active than others but suppose me being off now is confusing him too!
i had loadsa wiggles lastnight when i was on my ball, thank god,
but ive been measuring 3cms bigger than my weeks since 22weeks, so im like 44cms now, so im not surprised there isnt much room to move for baby in there,

still keep drinking cold pop and ice cubes tho just to check there ok, i did phone the hosp, just to check, and she was like oh ur due soon when do u see ur M/W next, tuesday, oh ul b fine n have a lazy baby, thanks a lot! lol

but if im really worried i am gona just go in, they cant turn me away when im there,lol


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