baby growth & midwife rant!


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2011
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I've not seen same one twice which at first I didn't mind but now I really do!

Baby has been measuring way above 'the curve' since they started, more like my original dates the last midwife said if he measures big again id have my growth scan early and they would amend due date...but this lady said ma they won't do any of that ill just have a very big baby...after the issues with my first sons labour at only 8lb they gotta be kidding!!!!!!!!!

This doesnt sound good at all babe... is there no one you can contact to complain too? xx hope all things get sorted xx
My MW suspected a big baby so she booked me in straight away for a scan. I would def complain about this! x
I would def complain too, hope you get it all sorted! Xx
What a useless mw. I'd make another appointment and request specifically not to see her. How far ahead are you measuring hun? There are so many reasons for measuring ahead I can't believe they are letting you sit and wait it out!!!
Deffo complain hun! I know locally they have a 'head' midwife - if you have something similar perhaps you could request to speak to her. Doesn't sound like they are doing their jobs to me! xx
my mw told me after i had Alyssa that she knew id have a big baby. at 10lb 14oz i wish she would have told me that! no scan for me tho either, they just let me have her naturally and i only had an episiotomy and gas/diamorphine
Im so frustrated, Im in alot of pain & discomfort daily now bump is massive and super heavy.
I wish I could see the same person so they could sort out moving my dates forward as im
100% sure im further on as were previous midwives from measurements! Grrrrrr

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