Baby clothes

I buy loads of plain vests / sleepsuits from Tesco's & Boots (not got an Asda near me). For proper clothes I always use Next, they have lovely stuff, I'd be lost without my directory!!
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Tesco had some gorgeous plain clothes for boy, girl and neutral!! Also they had lovely disney dungaree sets with a babygro underneath for £7 - they had roo, dumbo and thumper ones in white and silver and the Blue and pink ones had roo on too i think!!!!

Also Primark had some lovely sleepsuits (3 in a pack) and babygros (7 in a pack) for £5 - i'm really into horses but don't know what baby is and i couldn't resist and i got 3 horsey sleepsuits in lemon/ white in a pack for £5!!!!!

i haven't bought much yet as want to wait till babys here!! Anybody know of any other places that do some nice neutral clothes that aren't too gender specific?
Mamas and papas had some gorgeous (little bit more expensive) neutral things in x they are beautiful! Blooming marvellous are quite good for neutral too x we bought a set from Florrie and Feddie with two sleep suits, a vest, hat, scratch mits and bib for £8 and that's neutral x I caved the other day and bought a gorgeous blue outfit from boots which is more summery but I'll buy him an outdoor suit thing so he's not cold x I just fell in love with it!
what about primark do they have babyclothes? im goin on thursday and was hoping to get some cheap bits.
Yeah primark do baby clothes, got to admit though! I never found they washed well x
i was thinkin for 0-1 month i dont wanna spend anything really on the bits he will grow out of straight away. and also.. maternity clothes! i heard it wasnt too bad there.

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