I agree that you can spend as much or as little as you like. When I had my son I had no money and was on Income Support (nearly 18 years ago!). I got my pram in the sale, my cot was £100 and I bought the most basic bouncy chair for £8 new. That was all I needed along with sheets and blankets, a cold water steriliser and bottles. People bought clothes for him and tbh no point buying loads of them as they grow so quickly.
When I had daughter I had a bit more money so spent more although I borrowed a pram, she had son's cot with a new mattress and I bought a steam steriliser.
Nappywise I never used branded ones - found Boots own to be the best but again this was between 18 -15 years ago. Used own make wipes too and superdrug shampoo and baby bath. Only ever used vaseline on their bums and they never had nappy rash - not once. I made their food and pureed it. I remember son's first xmas - he was a week off being 1 year old and I bought him a little pull along truck that you put shapes in the back. For his birthday I bought him a dinosaur called Timothy that was a rocker, then a walker then a ride on - it was about twenty quid and he still talks about it now!
What I am trying to say is the baby does not know what you have spent - only you do and it is how you feel about that....if you want baby to have the best of everything all brand new then I thank you as I will be the one buying all your stuff off ebay for a fraction of the price lol
As for days out again as dear or cheap as you want - park = free, beach = free, legoland = expensive...
Good luck with the spreadsheet - be very interested to see it
Oh yeah - they get far more expensive as they get older...mopeds, cars, trainers, clothes, x boxes, tvs, musical instruments, after school clubs, festival tickets, gigs blah blah blah

When I had daughter I had a bit more money so spent more although I borrowed a pram, she had son's cot with a new mattress and I bought a steam steriliser.
Nappywise I never used branded ones - found Boots own to be the best but again this was between 18 -15 years ago. Used own make wipes too and superdrug shampoo and baby bath. Only ever used vaseline on their bums and they never had nappy rash - not once. I made their food and pureed it. I remember son's first xmas - he was a week off being 1 year old and I bought him a little pull along truck that you put shapes in the back. For his birthday I bought him a dinosaur called Timothy that was a rocker, then a walker then a ride on - it was about twenty quid and he still talks about it now!
What I am trying to say is the baby does not know what you have spent - only you do and it is how you feel about that....if you want baby to have the best of everything all brand new then I thank you as I will be the one buying all your stuff off ebay for a fraction of the price lol
As for days out again as dear or cheap as you want - park = free, beach = free, legoland = expensive...
Good luck with the spreadsheet - be very interested to see it

Oh yeah - they get far more expensive as they get older...mopeds, cars, trainers, clothes, x boxes, tvs, musical instruments, after school clubs, festival tickets, gigs blah blah blah