Do you shop weekly or monthly?

We have just done an enormous monthly shop, it contains enough bread for a month (we freeze it) enough food for the month but not things like eggs, cheese, milk and also Liams bread - basically me and Jasper have Vogel bread which is really nice but needs to be toasted. Liam cant have that at lunchtimes so he has fresh bread.

we usually have similar things every week so

pie n mash
chicken and pasta
spag bowl (does two nights)
stir fry

we buy all the meat (except the fish) frozen veggies, butter etc from Ocado monthly. We buy all our veggies every 3 days from Salisbury market, we buy fish as we eat it and we get a few bits here and there when we need too

our monthly shop is around 250... it does not include toilettres, we get these as and when.

thats for three of us and we eat well. we could probably reduce it a lot but would rather just eat well!
I do mine weekly and have recently switched to lurk too, some things I will puck up at Tesco. It I budget £60 per week and that's to include toiletries and household washing and cleaning items, it sounds impossible but we do it, we eat a very healthy diet with lots of fruit and veg, lean meat, grains etc, I try to vary the things we have so it becomes less boring too, DH and son had snails last week (I politely refused lol) they were frozen from lidl in garlic I was so proud of J for trying them as he has a lot of food fads it was a complete shock when he tried them! Anyway yep weekly for us x
Is that £60 a week for lunches and breakfast too?

I think we probably spend a bit more than that, probably around 20quid a month on tollietres, 250 on a big food shop and then maybe 30quid a week on other bits n bobs like bread and milk and perishables for sandwiches

so whats that...

100 a week (roughly) I am happy with that though and it means me, Liam and the baby eat really well (we also have to buy a pack of nappies a week and food for the baby which costs a wee bit more xx we could probably budget more but we are happy as we are :)
Lately my shopping is through the roof I think it's because the boys are having a growth spurt 3 teenagers are impossible to fill. I can spend over 200 a week quiet easily. Gone are the days of my 50 pound shop x
Lol amyrose if you break it down though your spending the same sa me per person as there's 8 people in your home plus a dog x
Yes Fi, that includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper if they fancy it and snacks I don't buy processed foods because they are so expensive and full of crap compared to what I could make from scratch x
we buy a pie a week, chicken kievs every week and sausages. thats the limit of our processed food :) Make 90% of it from scratch but there is nothing quite like a good quality pie or chicken kiev :)

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