What do we actually need for the baby?


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Not wanting to go crazy and spend too much money as we are kind of on a limited budget. Don't really want to go out and buy loads of stuff that we didnt really need in the first place and with all these different products on the market such as grobags etc. I'd like all of your opinions on what we do and dont need to actually buy and what are useful items to buy and what aren't!

Planning on breast feeding btw!

So far we have;
a pair of baby shoe/sock/pram things (:lol: yes I havent a clue what they are called)
atleast 6 newborn baby grows
a bottle
a car seat
a crib
a cot
a baby bath
a carry cot thing

eta: also got;
johnsons baby set
1 pack of nappies
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I'm in the same boat, this is my first and i had no idea how much stuff babies need. You seem to have a pretty solid list so far. A few extras i can think of would be bedding, a steriliser for bottles if/when you go on to bottle feeding, changing things (like a mat), me and my OH are also planning to buy a box of nappies now and then so we have a good supply when baby arrives.
id get 6 more babygros in newborn and the same in 0-3 and 6-9 at least. breast feeding id still get at least 3 bottles and some milton and a tub to soak them in and a breast pump for expressing milk.
you also need vests for under the babygrows, and hats and scratch mitts for newborns, nappies, wipes, bath stuff, sudocrem/nappy cream, blankets, cotton wool pleat thingys, cotton buds, nail scissors, a couple of packets of ready made milk formula just in case of bf problems, cot bedding

i think thats like the bare minimum really. you wont believe how many babygrows a newborn can go thru in a day and how fast they grow out of them so best to have at least a few of the first 3 sizes.

this is my first too so im by no mans sure thats all you will need lol
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Get a cheap washing up bowl instead of a baby bath, it's just as good. x
I think I'm doing quite well when it comes to not spending too much money. So far most of the stuff other than the babygrows and shoe things we havent paid for or havent paid full price. Managed to get the car seat for £12, the johnsons set for a tenner from asda and the nappies were a coupon lol! All the other things are hand me downs.
Do you have a Home Bargains near you? That's great for baby stuff x
oh yeah bibs and muslins and breast pads + nipple cream
You will probaby want some sort of winter coat or all in one as well. Some stuff you can just get as you go along thats what I plan to do. I've got a few things in newborn size and few in 0-3 as I don't know how big this baby will be, a couple of my friends had babies who were too big for newborn size! You might want a baby monitor as well esp once you put them in their own room. I'd also say some sort of little bouncy chair thing, but you can get these really cheap second hand and in great condition. A few simple baby toys is also a good idea, I forgot this when I had my daughter and was surprised how quickly they want things like baby gyms or cot mobiles to look at!
all babies NEED is somewhere to sleep, clothes for warmth, nappies to keep them dry, some sort of food and love.

it's so easy to get carried away and think that all of the must have gadgets will make life so much easier, but in reality, mothers managed perfectly well for years without them.

we have a hand me down moses basket, and a cot which OH made, we got new mattresses (which are recommended for safety reasons) have saved money by cutting down normal sheets and hemming them myself to make flat sheets suitable for cot size which can still be used on moses basket. other than that, for bedding we have a few cellular blankets.
Clothes wise, my SIL had her little one a few months ago and we've got all the newborn bits she didn't use. We've gone for basics like babygrows rather than the cute little outfits as they are easier to deal with for changes etc, especially when at home. If budget is an problem, try nearly new sales or even boot fairs for bargains.
As for nappies, we're planning on reusables, which on a first baby can save around £500-700 in the first year alone (bigger savings for future babies)
Obviously breast feeding works out cheaper than buying formula (plus it has all the health benefits for you and baby)

Keep an eye out for freebies, there are lots, Boots offer a free changing bag when you buy a pack of nappies when you've joined their parenting club.

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