Baby bouncers

Yeah, possibly. It would have to be a perfect match for the bouncer tho - i'm a bit OCD like that! Good idea tho, will have a look...

I'm not too sure about vibrating ones. Your more experinced with babys than me tho chick, what r the benefits of them do you think? I find it a bit weird vibrating my baby! lol
I think it's meant to help calm them or somthing! lol not a clue just heard they were the 'thing' to get.
We just got the Ziggy Zebra one from Babies R Us. We haven't tried it out with a baby in there yet, but played around with it and it seems good. It has removable toys and zebra. It vibrates and plays either nursery rhymes or nature sounds. Nature sounds are rather soothing to me :).

Again, with all the coupons they let me use, I paid only £29 for it :D
I like the idea of nature sounds, I've seen one that had sea noises, think i'd rather things like that as aposed to 'london bridge is falling down' over and over lol
I feel that the one I have got is worth it as it has lights which is meant to be good for sensory deveopment, noises and toys which encourage them to reach and grab. It also bounces and rocks itself. To be honest if you bought a £20 one then they would still be happy but I really liked the extra bits with mine!!

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