baby after 18 mc

That's most heartening - but I don't think that the equipment costs to do the tests for this - between £150K and £200 K is too prohibitive in the grand scheme of things. WHY don't they have this available via the NHS? It's NOT that much considering the budget and is only the outlay cost...

Makes me mad that in this country people have to have "at least 3" miscarriages before being "cared for" properly or investigated. It could save a lot of heartache if tests were done sooner.

I know that in other - considered to be - 3rd world countries, after 1 miscarriage every test under the sun is carried out to make sure there isn't an underlying cause. We could seriously learn something.

That is one precious baby that woman has though :love: and what a lot to go through - never giving up. Strength must have come from somewhere :yay:
What incredible strength that woman must have! Thanks for sharing that!

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