Baby acne?


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2008
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I think Teddy has baby acne. Its really quite bad over both cheeks and i have been bathing with water, pat dry with a soft flannel and apply vaseline once or twice a day. Particually if he has dribbled milk down his face and chin. I dont really know if this is the best thing to do? It seems to be less angry looking but is not showing ant signs of budging :( i dont want my baby to have a rash :( it doesnt bother him but i would like to see if anyone has any advice or have found anything that has worked for them. Thanks :hug:
Hi :wave:

Isaac got what looked like baby acne, we just did exactly what you're doing now and it was all gone by 6 weeks. The midwife called them milk spots...maybe that's what it is? :think: I just know Isaac's was gone by 6 weeks and we didn't do anything special for them.

HTH :hug:
Isaac had the odd yellow head when he was a newborn. I just left them. I wouldn't put vaseline on them thought because it will create a barrier and keep them moist when really they need to dry out and let the skin breathe I would have thought :think:

I'm not sure though.
Zach suffered really bad with baby acne when he was from about 5days old it was all over his face and lasted around 2-3weeks..all we did was what you are doing now by keeping it dry the HV didnt say anything about vasaline just keep it dry and NO picking or squeezing!!!
tattybear85 said:
Zach suffered really bad with baby acne when he was from about 5days old it was all over his face and lasted around 2-3weeks..all we did was what you are doing now by keeping it dry the HV didnt say anything about vasaline just keep it dry and NO picking or squeezing!!!

haha DH so badly wanted to pick at Isaac's, he like picking at his spots, thankfully he rarely gets them. I got bad spots when I was pregnant and he was forever trying to pick them :puke: I was so glad when Isaac's disappeared lol he never actually did pick at them but the thought of it :puke: :lol:
I have stopped using the vaseline now as i want to see if the dry out. They are looking at lot less red and now are just yellow spots pretty much all over his face :( i am hoping they will go of their own accord soon :pray: hes still gorgeous but i miss his soft skin!

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