Baby acne?


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2011
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Hi all Harry has started to get spots in his face in last day or two

I'm presuming they're baby acne but opinions needed!

Is there anything special I should be doing?ImageUploadedByTapatalk1336556792.304856.jpg
Vince had it too around the same age, it will just clear of its own accord :hug:
Ok thanks just been making sure his face is kept clean

How long did it take for vince's to go?
Probably a couple of weeks, it can seem like ages, but it will definitely go :hug: Best to keep his face clean with boiled and cooled water, but very much doubt it will need anything else.
Max gets these now n again I just leave them and the go on their own :) xx
Tilly has these too. As soon as some go others appear :wall:
Joe had them too, they went away after a few weeks. They tended to look worse after breastfeeding, probably because of heat. HV said you only need to go to the doctor if they are becoming yellow and infected looking. Today Joe has lovely clear looking skin but yesterday he looked really spotty again!
It's horrible isn't it. Don't like my gorgeous boy with spots!!
Aww Isla has them too and they've got worse the last couple days. They go down when she is sleeping and get really red when she has get milk. My HV said they will go soon. She's also loosing her hair! Bless her xx
Henry had it for about 6 weeks. Henry's looked like this......ImageUploadedByTapatalk1336590709.594927.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1336590737.111250.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1336590765.786478.jpg
It disappeared of its own accord but it is horrible. Didn't like it either :(

It's a flash forward of our babies in the throws of puberty :shock:
I´ve heard you should be carefull with milk (not drink too much of it) and they will ease of sooner!


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