Babies in your room.

I am just curious as to where your baby sleeps. Damien is coming up 6 months old now and he is still in my room next to my bed. I am starting to feel ready to let go of him now and out him in his own room, but I feel he should be with us for longer, and I would be happy for him to stay in our room till he is 9months - 1 year old.

Where does your baby sleep and at what age did you or do you plan to put them in their own room. And should I move Damien out now??
Oscar still sleeps in our room. We're moving to Cape Town soon and he will continue to share a room with us there. We don't mind as Oscar tends to end up in our bed every night anyway. No point having his own room just yet.

However, I will have to try and keep him in his own bed! DH and I haven't shared a bed for a while, since he works away from home. We don't want this wee bunny to get all squashed, do we?

I think Oscar will be in our room for some time still. No rush here! :wink:

Emilia xx
ummm matthew has been in his own room since 4 weeks we all sleep better for it. i think we would wake him and he would wake us when he was in with us and he always looked too big in the moses basket he likes room to be able to move so he loves his cot and its too big to have in our room. I had the angel care moniter which gave me great peace of mind otherwise i may have been more reluctant. Do it when you feel ready and when you feel hes ready dont think there is any right or wrong time
Eva is still in our room. she will be for a couple of months longer i think. you have to move damien when it is right for him and you. I slept in my mam and dad's room until i was about 1year old due to decorating and circumstances. You'll know when you think he is ready x
beth is still in my room and still will be when LO arrives its not through choice though its lack of room that we have :wall: and cant put either of them in with kurt because of his behaviour he cant be trusted not to go near them :(
i put Dior into her own room at 6months, she used to be in her cot to my bed. Harley is in his carrycot next tomy bed but his cotis all set up in his own room, he will of out grown his carrycot in a few weeks will then be going into the next room with the camera on him so i can watch him at night
Kacy has been in her room since she was 2 and a half months old, she was ready to go in her own room because me and my oh used to wake her up going to bed and i was ready for her to go in her room too. now she sleeps like an angel and it made her sleep through the night.
He has a sleep monitor after his breathing difficulties as a baby (still haven't taken it away!) and I don't think I'll remove it till he is a year old or longer. I love having him in my room, for conveneice and I don't want to give him up, bu now he is approaching 6 months old people keep saying it's time to move him out before he gets so attatched, then fill me with horror stories of their first born who they regret keeping in their room for so long (including my MIL about her eldest).

Does anyone else regret this or do you regret moving them too soon? I know it's a personal choice but I'd hate top make him a clingy baby for no reason.
when Dior was 5months she was starting to get clingy she would be put to bed at 8pm but just cry unless i stayedwith her still she fell at 6months i had enough and put her in her own room just through myself in the deep end, she she screamed blue murder for the first 2 nights but then knew that she had to sleep alone. now she is such an angel if i put her in my bed to sleep she would go mad and walk to her cot, i think the younger the better as they are to young to be scared to be alone. but you have to be ready too
Ewan has been in his own room since around 6 weeks, for the sake of our own sanity.
I can understand why you want him near you esp after his breathing problems. if you have a monitor then that should be fine, ewans room is just across from ours so i can always hear him.

I think you have to be comfortable with what ever you decide
Damien doesn't have a set bedtime routine, he just falls asleep when he is ready then I put him up when I go up or if he is totally asleep I put him up earlier. He sleeps through prety much too.
I think Mark is ready for Damien to go in his own room now though :?
when i first had kurt i was only in a 1 bedroom flat so he was in my room, i didnt end up getting out of there until he was nearly 2, he was in my room up until then again coz i didnt have a choice, when i moved i thought i was going to have problems with him due to moving new surroundings and being in a room on his own after being in with me for so long but he was fine, i didnt have a problem with him at all.
Ruby is still in our room at moment in her crib. Shes coming up to 6 months in a couple of weeks and Im thinking of putting her in her own room. It feels like such a big step, i know she'll only be at the other end of the hallway but still scarey. I think Josh went in his own room at 3 months but I seem more worried this time. Theres so much more dos and donts these days. We've bought one of those cameras to put in her room so I feel a bit better.

Jack is in his own room, he has been from being 6 weeks.

I felt more comfortable doing it early as i knew i would have to do it sooner or later and i didn't want to get to attached to him being with us.

He goes to bed at 7.45 (just after Amy, as they share a room and i need to make sure she is asleep, cos she wakes him up! :roll: ) and i love it as me and Andy have the evening to ourself. I thikn they settle better with a routine to, well from my experience with Amy anyway!
And none of them have ever slep in our bed! I love the space in my bed too much! lol

Do it when your ready hun, i can understand why you are anxious with his breathing etc.
liam sleeps in our room, but we only have a 2 bedroom house so i dont think its fair to put him in with kieran (11) and joshua (4) yet.
Ashtyn is still in our room and hes 3 and a half months, im all for him going into the nursery pretty soon but OH isnt so keen he says that he already feels too far away from him (OH sleeps on the side of the bed furthest away from the cot)....bless!
Sami said:
He has a sleep monitor after his breathing difficulties as a baby (still haven't taken it away!) and I don't think I'll remove it till he is a year old or longer. I love having him in my room, for conveneice and I don't want to give him up, bu now he is approaching 6 months old people keep saying it's time to move him out before he gets so attatched, then fill me with horror stories of their first born who they regret keeping in their room for so long (including my MIL about her eldest).

Does anyone else regret this or do you regret moving them too soon? I know it's a personal choice but I'd hate top make him a clingy baby for no reason.

You won't have a clingy baby. Google attachment parenting, this is what I am following. The premise is that baby weans themselves to the next stage, in that by responding to their cues in a immediate manner will help them to become more independant, not overly dependant as people think. Damien will soon be getting to the stage where he is developing seperation development, a normal stage and some people confuse this with a clingy baby. It is a temporary stage and will pass. Seren is still in with us and I think she might be for a while now.
Thank you so much for that Beanie, you have reassured me. I am honestly not ready to let him go yet but felt I was being a bit of a clingy mum by holding onto him? I love having him so close to me and not sure if he is ready yet. I'll wait for his signs. Thanks beanie again x
Sami said:
Thank you so much for that Beanie, you have reassured me. I am honestly not ready to let him go yet but felt I was being a bit of a clingy mum by holding onto him? I love having him so close to me and not sure if he is ready yet. I'll wait for his signs. Thanks beanie again x

Hun he is only 6 months old (not even that), you are so not being a clingy mum. We are one of the few societies that put our babies in cots. If I could I would have a massive family bed, I love sleeping with Seren as it feels like we are just one big family - its not for everyone but it works for me and makes me feel happy :D
I love that too, OH does too, if it wasn't for our tiny bed Damien sleep with us more often! Bye went the days of sleepsharing eh!

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