Babies being over tired


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2011
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Can a baby be over stimulated after visitors if you know what I mean? I noticed today after having unexpected visitors ( don't you love that!!! Lol ) ralph was really unsettled after they left.. He wanted boob but was just fidgeting like anything on it and I've just been able to put him down and he still hasn't closed his eyes. He woke up from his nap at 2pm so his been awake a while. Can babies be over tired? I feel sorry for him. :( xxx
Yes! most definitely! They really fight sleep too when they're over tired, well Gracie does anyway, and become very grisly and grumpy xx

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Agree yes.

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oh yes.....then they get so 'high' its hard to get them down and they cry even more. its cos their little bodies dont understand the tired sensation, they just know something feels wrong and they dont like it...

bless them...

hannah is a nightmare of she is overtired and a nightmare to get off to sleep.......sounds crackers but the more she sleeps, the easier she sleeps! xx
oh yes if my lo gets overtired she's such a grumpy girl and takes ages to go down I've now come to recognise the tired signs and I know she normally gets tired when she's been awake for about an hour and a half and the max she can stay awake for is about 2 hours and that's pushing it x
aww yeah its def possible, max gets like that!! xxxx
oh yes if my lo gets overtired she's such a grumpy girl and takes ages to go down I've now come to recognise the tired signs and I know she normally gets tired when she's been awake for about an hour and a half and the max she can stay awake for is about 2 hours and that's pushing it x

yep...we are the same....
oh yes if my lo gets overtired she's such a grumpy girl and takes ages to go down I've now come to recognise the tired signs and I know she normally gets tired when she's been awake for about an hour and a half and the max she can stay awake for is about 2 hours and that's pushing it x

yep...we are the same....

Same here. X
I've got into a little routine of feed then awake from an hour to hour and a half then down for an hour to hour and half nap then it starts again lol like this until bed time but she doesnt really have a set bedtime as such normally somewhere between 7-8 depending on what time she woke in morning and how naps and feeds went in the day lol
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Yes! Used to drive me nuts :roll: he's better now he is older but as a newborn visitors and visiting ppl used To tire Will and put him In a grumpy mood x
I've got into a little routine of feed then awake from an hour to hour and a half then down for an hour to hour and half nap then it starts again lol like this until bed time but she doesnt really have a set bedtime as such normally somewhere between 7-8 depending on what time she woke in morning and how naps and feeds went in the day lol
this is kinda the routine i do with alyssa, feed play nap in 3 hour cycles.
shes murder if she gets overtired and fights it so much

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