2 Week old suddenly doesn't like sleeping :(


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2011
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He seems to be spending more and more time awake, i know hes tired he just doesn't want to sleep :(

He woke for a feed at 12 last night and wouldn't settle to sleep untill 4 (He had a bottle at 12 & 2 & 3). then woke at 6 for a feed. i'm soo tired! :(

Hes now been awake since half 10 and still won't sleep, hes been in his swing for a hour.

I Will NOT cuddle him to sleep for every nap. i already have a clingy toddler because i did that and i don't want another one. sorry if i sound harsh i'm just really tired and don't understand why hes so awake, i want to enjoy him and i can't :(

How long did your baby stay awake during this time?
This happened to me althoight I was breastfeeding x she settled after a few days xx if you were breastfeeding, you milk production would be highest between 12-4am x so if your LO is having a growth spurt they naturally want to feed a lot during this time ( in theory its tobstimulate milk supply for the next day during grown spurt) x

You might find LO settles again after a few days xx

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Im starting to think some babies just don't sleep! Kynon being one of them, he doesn't even sleep 12 hours out of 24 never has but i thought it was due to bf but I now think some just don't need so much. I've tried lots of things and given up trying if he wants to be awake he can! Im exhausted though!
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Could have written this post myself hun. Josh is so alert which is great obviously but I know at times hrs tired and he just fights and fights it. I feel I can't get anything done at all and ny patience at night is really lacking I'm not good when tired. I manag

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Managed to get him to sleep earlier today and was so proud. I just let him cry whilst holding him and rocking him. He cried and cried but I knew he was fed nappy clean so just comforted him and he's been asleep for two hours. I don't think josh is ever gonna be a big sleeper unluckily but I guess we just have to try and get sleep when they do. Not that I can talk I.just did my ironing lol know how you feel your defo not alone

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He's slept fine all chuffing day!!! I got 3 hours sleep max last night (1 hour, then 2 hours) after I posted he fell asleep and he's fallen asleep after his feeds grrr. So I decided to do all the housework I'm so tired. And my 2 year old has just poured a full bottle of water on my laptop. Sleep deprived and VERY pissed off, I've not spoke to him for 2 hours
Joshua decides to wake up just as hubby n I get into bed. So frustrating! But he looks so cute I can't get annoyed. Sometimes during the day he fights sleep and his eyes get puffy n red. I've resorted to using a dummy which I said I wouldn't do. But it does help and calms him right down. Not had any problems with breast feeding which was one of my concerns with using a dummy. Hope things get better so you get some sleep Hun.xx

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