[b]Chinese birth chart-right for you?[/b]

I thought it was wrong at first, but I was going by my age at conception (24) but I'll be 25 when he's born :roll: , and it does say boy then! x
HideiLu said:
I thought it was wrong at first, but I was going by my age at conception (24) but I'll be 25 when he's born :roll: , and it does say boy then! x

I did this too!! I dont know if she was concieved at the end of september of begining of october, if its september its wrong, if its october its right lol!! Covered its own back there :shakehead:
Mine said boy (like every test does) and said my son was a boy (which is reasurring :lol: )
It was wrong for jack, he should have been a girl ;) and its right for this one it says its another boy x
Bugger, a friend in work has just pointed out that she has boy and girl twins so how does it work for her! I was trying to explain to her that some people could be getting the predictions wrong as they may be getting the conception month wrong, then she pointed out about the twins! Off to find yet another old wives tale! xx
Is wrong for me says boy and both my scans have said we're having a girl!

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