Away for the weekend...

wow that looks posh.
have a lovely time :D
Oh God, that looks like we are staying there...we arent we are in the Travel Lodge down the road :rotfl:

We will spend the day there on sunday :lol:
lmao :lol:
still posh though and to be honest id rather stay in a travelodge... i'd feel more at home! lol
you would have to behave in the posh one :lol:
have a great time! You'll be just down the road from me :cheer:
have a lovely time zoe, im sure you will all looks fab, im sure ruby will be fine :hug: :hug:
We had a FAB time!! Cecked into our Travel Lodge yesterday @ 3ish and had a cuppa, then drove in Bicester near by-there was an Outlet Village there which was gorgeous with lots of fab designer shops! Got sis in law a Ted Baker top for £10!!! Bargain!!!

Went to pub for our tea, then got some bottles of wine and munchies from Tescos and headed back to room where we all go into our PJs, and watched X factor, drank, stuffed our faces and then gabbed until 1am.

Headed to Blenheim Palace this morning and it was beautiful!! Had a nice walk in the grounds too. COuldnt take any pic inside which was a shmae as it was all decked out for christmas. Fav bit was a school choir singing carols in the main hall, it was beautiful!! I got all weepy :oops:

Got home to the biggest cuddle from my little girl who was jumping up and down in dadys arms when I came up the path, squealing in delight!!! She was good as gold for daddy-and he coped marvellously. I am so proud of them both!! :cheer:

Had a ball, but glad to be home :D
sounds like you had a great time hun and i bet the welcome was well appreciated :D

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