Awaiting blood test results


Mar 6, 2012
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Hi I'm just looking for a bit of support or people with similar experiences. I found out on Thursday that I was pregnant then on Saturday started bleeding but only when i wipe. I've been for a scan today they could not find the baby on the normal or internal scan but said it could just be too early. I had bloods taken and need to go back in 2 days for more. It's driving me crazy not knowing and I'm really fearing the worst. Help please!
Aww sorry to hear this honey, how far along are you? It may just be way too early to see anything on a scan and lots of ladies have bleeding and are fine. Try and stay positive - I know it's easier said than done. :hugs: xx
Don't worry about bleeding (I know easier said then done). It sounds like it could be just implantation bleeding. They will check your hgc levels with the blood test and they usually look for it to double. fx for you that its good news.
I thought I was 6 weeks but the hospital think I could be less than that. Thank you ladies. It's such a horrible waiting game x
Sorry you are having to go through this! The wait is the worst! I really hope your hcg levels will be rising! Good Luck!
Fingers crossed you get some good news after the second blood test sweetie

Hope your blood results double for you, I was also thinking it could be implantation or nestling in, I had spotting when wiped all the way through Tri 1 , fingers crossed for you X
fingers crossed for you. hopefully it was just your bean settling in that caused the bleed, only bloods will give you a real answer at this stage, scan's can't really tell much. hope it works out xx
The blood test showed a hcg level of 119 so there is still some hope. Going back today for another blood test
its all about the second test hun, fingers crossed for a good rise! xxx
Awww sorry to hear you are feeling just like me. I am in the waiting game period,i t is so difficult. I am 7 weeks today, still do not know if it is viable, ectopic or anything else. No bleeding, just pink stuff once. But they can only find the gestation sac on scans, have to wait until a week on Friday for my fourth scan. Really having down day today. My bloods were fine, so hope yours are too. Fingers crossed,let us know. Hugs and good wishes to
Sadly my second blood test only showed an increase of 8 to 127. The nurse told me it is likely to be an impending miscarriage or possibly an ectopic pregnancy. She said nothing about it being ok so I think there is no hope now. I am going for more tests on Saturday
Oh honey, sorry to hear that :hugs: xx
So sorry hun :hugs: xxxx i hope ur doing ok

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