Avoiding nicknames - possible?


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2014
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We have pretty much decided that our little boy will be called Logan George Paterson. We both absolutely love it, however on 2 occasions family members/friend have said "awww little Logie" which I HATE :shock:
I don't really understand as my brother is named Jordan and no-one ever refers to him as 'Jordy'
Logie isn't even shorter than Logan!! In people's experience - is this something that can be nipped in the bud just by saying 'please can you not call him that?' Or are we better off naming him something that I don't mind being 'ee-ified' :roll:
Just tell them not to... It's not as if he's going to be logie at school to his friends, it'll just be people trying to be cute around the baby x
I just think you need to correct them every time it's said and if anyone is persistent, a direct "it's Logan, not Logie" should do it. I don't get the need to cutesify baby names. Annoys me. Perhaps the hormones are making me feel more irritable at the moment, I dunno? I wouldn't like this either but I also wouldn't dismiss a name I loved just because knobheads couldn't be arsed to use the right name.
My name is Patricia....all I get called now is Tillie. Started very young in school, I dont know how its not even similar, nor can I ever remember a. Time when I got called by my Christian name.
My husband is adrian yet only ever gets bert.
People must think we had very weird parents!
My husband is called Andrew and never known as Andy ever! Kids at school used to call him other names I'm sure but nothing ever stuck! He is Andrew to everyone that matters xx
^^ My Husbands name is Andrew too and has never been referred to as Andy! That's strange lol x
Totally think you can still call him Logan, just explain to people that you don't like 'logie' if they try and use it! X
I have a Nathaniel aka Nathan - but never gets shortened to Nat!
I have Mirren - who we also call Mizzy or Miz
I have Ettaley who we also call Etty

usually friends and family have only used shortened/nicknames if they have heard us say it first.
in my experience)it's hard to get around nicknames... people even made up nicknames for my nickname :roll::roll: i'm Emmalynn, but NOBODY calls me that it's just on paper. everyone calls me Emma (and i identify myself more with Emma than emmalynn and always introduce myself as Emma)... but then people shorten that Name also to Emmy, Emz or Em...

but i have a friend whose son is called Frederick and she managed to have everyone call him that with lots of persistence...no one shortens it to Freddie anymore
Our lb is Tyler...can't be shortened unless you go for Ty and still family would call him Tman and my little niece called him Tam until she could say his name. My niece is Sophia and we thought my lb would call her Soph but instead he calls her Fia and we all seem to do it.
Part of me thinks no matter the name people can always find something. Logan is a beautiful name and I think that if you tell family that is what you would like him to be called they will respect that. xx
in my experience)it's hard to get around nicknames... people even made up nicknames for my nickname :roll::roll: i'm Emmalynn, but NOBODY calls me that it's just on paper. everyone calls me Emma (and i identify myself more with Emma than emmalynn and always introduce myself as Emma)... but then people shorten that Name also to Emmy, Emz or Em...

but i have a friend whose son is called Frederick and she managed to have everyone call him that with lots of persistence...no one shortens it to Freddie anymore

This is the same as me my name is Emma-Cate but only my Nana calls me that & I don't talk to her anymore anyway!! Everyone else calls me Emma but my Mum calls me Emmy & at one point I was going to call my future daughter Emmie-Mae but chose not too. I do get called Em or Emz & its doesn't bother me but my mum HATES it & does say "her name is Emma.. its short enough as it is you don't need to shorten it anymore!"


My daughter is Kate, and gets Katie (Grrrrrr), and my boy is Isaac and gets Zac.
I think it's very hard to stop people from using nicknames from my experience. I've been trying for 14 years to stop the nicknames my kids get called and now I've just given up! LOL

I've got a Tristan, who for some reason gets shortened to Tristi by my Mum. I've got a Jaeven (who we wanted to nickname Jae but everyone started calling him JJ instead). I've got a Raistlin who always gets shortened to Raisti again started by my Mum. I've got a Liberty who always gets shortened to Libby, although she seems to prefer being called this so I don't discourage that if that's what she prefers. I've got a Robin who gets called Bobby which I actually hate as I LOVE the name Robin and greatly dislike Bobby, but even I do this now.

The only ones of my kids who's names aren't shortened or messed around with at all are Ashton, Lacey and Lily.

So annoying. I gave them their names for a reason. But people will call others what they want, no matter what you do or say - so it's a hard one to tackle.
It's hard not to shorten names. My father in law always shortens names to syllable...every name!

Mu middle one has a nickname which she likes, prefers. We tried to drop it she. She started school but she insisted in being called it, people don't know who I talk abut if use her actual name!
My FIL had a 'go' at me when we told him we had chosen 'Noah' for our little boy..
Because he couldnt shorten it to anything..
He actually said 'so when i tell him off im guna have to say No, 'No' dont do that...'
And i turned around and said ull say 'Noah.. Not No or Noaey or what ever u want to try and shorten it to..' NOAH CANT BE SODDING SHORTENED!!!!!!
Werdio grrr lol!!

My OH is called Michael and everyone in his family calls him 'Mikey' .. I call him Mike.
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I've discounted loads of names as I don't like what they can be shortened too. I love the name Florence but cannot stand flo and I know people would shorten it. My name gets shortened and it irrates the crap out of me!
I've discounted loads of names as I don't like what they can be shortened too. I love the name Florence but cannot stand flo and I know people would shorten it. My name gets shortened and it irrates the crap out of me!

One of my middle names is florence, my step dad winds me up and calls me 'flo' lol..
I chose names for my older kids that couldn't shortened for this reason, over the years ive given up

Toby ( but we still call him Tobes!!, but only us)

Devon ( will prob get called Dev by mates at 18 one day! Grrr
Roman ( we call him Romey as much as Roman!!!
And last baby brewing is called Griffin which I love but Griff is nice when older but im going to let it slide ;)

Total agree with mum2many - Tobys middle name is Robin and I would have used for first name but hate Rob as shortning!
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I've discounted loads of names as I don't like what they can be shortened too. I love the name Florence but cannot stand flo and I know people would shorten it. My name gets shortened and it irrates the crap out of me!

My friend Florence gets shortened to Florrie - which I think us equally lovely :)

I guess there's just no telling where a nickname will come from or what will stick. To be fair my best friend is called Kevin and his whole family call him 'Bud' ?! - not even remotely related :lol: when he's a baby I'll correct people but obviously when he's older then whatever name he chooses to answer to is his decision! Xxx
I think people at school aquire nicknames not related to their name at all..

Just things their friends make up??

My sister is called Laura but everyone calls her Lolly..

No idea why but it's just stuck since she was younger??

Sometimes it works but other times it's just plan annoying!!

Our names are Rocky for a boy & Marley for a girl so I don't thinkkkk they can be shortened unless someone wants to call our son Rock or our daughter Marl I would be very surprised LOL..


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