Avoiding nicknames - possible?

I think once he is here and people hear you only call him Logan, they won't shorten it. especially once he gets older. i think it is hard to resist not shortening a baby's name, but you can always say "logan, not logie" with a smile and everyone should respect that.

btw i totally agree that Logie sounds bloody awful and super weird to me lol. Logan is beautiful though.
I completely understand shortening a name - both hubby and I have 3 syllable names and use shortened versions but Logie isn't shorter than Logan- It's just changing half his name! :lol: xxx
Logan is a great name and I think people will only call him Logan once they hear you calling him that. If anyone does try and give him a nickname, I'd politely explain that his name is Logan and that is what you want him to be called!

My daughter is Maisie and we never had any intentions of shortening it to Mai, or any other name you could get from Maisie, and now we call her Moo! She is only 3 weeks old and we don't do it all the time but it's funny how nicknames appear.
Aww my cousins baby girl is 'Maisie Moo' too!! :lol: xxx
My second daughter is called Maisie, no one never shortens it! Now I'm struggling for a name for my 4th daughter!
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I personally don't like names that can be shortened - our son is called Noah - never heard anyone try to shorten it!
We will purposely choose names for our twin girls that can't be shortened!
However, my parents still call him Noey from when he was one years old and couldn't pronounce his name properly - quite annoying lol xx
I HATE the nicknames my mother has given Riley - 'Riles' and 'Riley Piley'. I can live with Riley Piley but I HATE Riles, I've had to correct family members on it regularly :wall2: :wall2: his nicknames are Magoofs or Roo, we chose those when he was still a bump!

This baby will be Malachy, hubby and I are butting heads on a nickname as he calls him Mac which I hate and I call him Mallie which he hates!

I chose my kids names so they couldn't be shorterned
Rhys, toby, ( who does get Tobes) Briony and Devon ( althougth think when hes 18 he'll get called Dev by mates!)
Im getting more and more lax on this- i have Roman who I myself always call Romey!!
Then my last is a risk calling him Griffin as easily shorterned to Griff, which im not so keen on so will try to keep it longer.
Our daughter is called Ruby but we often call her Rubes or Ru. It doesn't bother me at all but that is because is isn't anything awful or annoying.

We are calling our little boy Danny so the only thing it could be shortened to is Dan which is fine too x
Funny what kids end up being called.

I have Zara aka Miss Chicken
Alexander aka Alex and Roundy
Catherine aka Kate and Lamb
Eleanor aka Ella and Bambi

I chose names that I liked the shortened versions of but gave them the long versions in case they didn't like them.

Where Miss.Chicken, Roundy, Lamb and Bambi came from, I'm really not too sure :/
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Our son is Otto and no one shortens it, not really sure how you could.

We think these two will be Merryn and Thea, I like the idea of Teddy as a nickname for Thea. Mum always says Merry rather than Merryn but I'm sure that's because she hasn't really understood the name we like!!
I was always Danni or Dan growing up, I prefer Danielle now but no one seems to care ha! X
I know - I guess you can't really control what they will be called once they go to school / grow up etc.
it's not the shortening that bothers me so much I get called Kim (even though I'm Kimberley) and hubby is Ali (real name Alasdair), but 'logie' isn't shorter than Logan - it's just changing half his name! Gilly - it would be like someone calling your son 'Ottie' instead of Otto. I've casually mentioned the names we like to close friends/family - and too often someone has responded with 'Aww Logie' ... Erm no, that's not the name I just said!!! I don't know, maybe it's quite a strong name and people just automatically put an 'ee' sound on the end to make it more 'cutesy' when he's a baby.
O well, they will be politely corrected ... The first time :lol:

I'm not sure if my son name can be shortened he is called Luca and I have never had anyone at the moment shorten it. I do have the odd person who hasn't heard me correctly call him Lucas but other than that he is always called Luca
I think you're going to just have to say you're not a fan of Logie. I don't think anyone will be offended, they probably just don't get it.
My MIL is reet Yorkshire and the way she says Otto is hilarious, I almost wish she did use a nickname for him!
My little girl is Macie and im the worst for nicknames I was against it when I was preg but she's mostly known as moo but I keep finding myself calling her mace lol no one else does it! My other half calls her all sorts but silly stuff bet the poor child doesn't know what her name is lol xx
I think it's just people being cute rather than actually shortening his name.
I call my baby boo boo when I'm talking to him and its extended to saying it to other babies "oh hello little boo boo your looking cute today!" It sometimes just comes out! People do that around babies!
I think Logan is really lovely name, if you like it go with it. If people persistently call him Logie then just say 'aww we have started calling him his name so he learns to respond to it, haven't we Logan?!" Lol! Xxx

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