August mummies :)

Can totally understand @MelC2011. I am worlds worst worrier haha. Tell everyone else not to but I am so bad. Hope scan comes soon and can be reassured. Xxx
How did your night go @Littleperson? Did you tell anyone or did anyone guess... Hope it went well xxx
I told my auntie at the first available opportunity of alone time hahahaha! My OH was in Edinburgh for a Xmas night out so he wasn’t there and I got a message from him saying ‘bet you £100 you tell someone’ lol! He knows me well! No one else guessed though! I’m not a big drinker so no one was surprised I didn’t have a drink there!
Woke up this morning feeling super hungover though!!! Can’t shake that sore heavy head feeling!!!
How you feeling today?? Xxx
I told my auntie at the first available opportunity of alone time hahahaha! My OH was in Edinburgh for a Xmas night out so he wasn’t there and I got a message from him saying ‘bet you £100 you tell someone’ lol! He knows me well! No one else guessed though! I’m not a big drinker so no one was surprised I didn’t have a drink there!
Woke up this morning feeling super hungover though!!! Can’t shake that sore heavy head feeling!!!
How you feeling today?? Xxx
Haha your OH is funny. Good you got to tell who you wanted to without everyone knowing. That's how it started for me the hangover feeling and headaches. Hope not too bad for you. I'm okay... Usual managed 2 rice cakes :? Haha xxx
Haha your OH is funny. Good you got to tell who you wanted to without everyone knowing. That's how it started for me the hangover feeling and headaches. Hope not too bad for you. I'm okay... Usual managed 2 rice cakes :? Haha xxx
I just can’t help myself! Dying for the world to know lol!
Oh god I really hope you start to feel a bit better soon! You poor thing!!!! So reassuring though xxx
I just can’t help myself! Dying for the world to know lol!
Oh god I really hope you start to feel a bit better soon! You poor thing!!!! So reassuring though xxx
Yeah that's the only thing that stops me moaning as I have never felt this bad.
Quite right you just want everyone to know then not feeling having to hide it. Hopefully that comes around fast for you xxx
Hi ladies, really hoping I can join you guys. Had my positive Thursday.
I’ll be due some time I’m August I think?! I’ve got the doctors next Friday 13th, then if all is good I’m going to book a private early scan for Xmas eve (should be 7 weeks)..
hope everyone is well - really hope it’s a sticky bean and I get to stay!!!
Speak to your docs to see if you can self refer to the midwife otherwise at your doc appointment all they will do is refer you to the midwife....unless it’s different where you are based to how it is in Kent xx
Speak to your docs to see if you can self refer to the midwife otherwise at your doc appointment all they will do is refer you to the midwife....unless it’s different where you are based to how it is in Kent xx
What’s the difference if i self refer? Will it all go through quicker? I’ll look into it thanks xx
Oh my god I’ve had an upset tummy all day and it’s been horrific.
Remember I was just the same with my little boy.

Hope everyone else is doing ok? xx
Oh my god I’ve had an upset tummy all day and it’s been horrific.
Remember I was just the same with my little boy.

Hope everyone else is doing ok? xx

Oh no, hope you feel a bit better tomorrow.

Today has been the first proper urgh day for me. Nausea all day. Exhausted. Every time I stand up I feel that faint way you get when you get up too fast. I have my fingers crossed tomorrow is a bit easier as I have work all day.
@C.hall.pcos, for where I live self referral is quicker and I can get both my appointments right away. When I got referred through my doctor last time took ages for letter to come out but it is a preference for each person. Some might need to see a doctor too if on any type of meds or even just reassurance. Xxx

@MelC2011 sorry to hear that, I had that too few weeks ago lasted days. Horrible isn't it, most ladies get constipated but I always get upset tummy. :-( xxx

@mummybear2 Ohhhh I'm sorry to hear you unwell now too. Its rubbish isn't it, only thing keeps me going is that it is a good sign and I hope it is. Xxx
Oh no, hope you feel a bit better tomorrow.

Today has been the first proper urgh day for me. Nausea all day. Exhausted. Every time I stand up I feel that faint way you get when you get up too fast. I have my fingers crossed tomorrow is a bit easier as I have work all day.

I know what you mean XD ive been suffering for a while i find cold drinks help x
@Jac2019 thank you! I know, I was the same in my last pregnancy so at least I already knew what was coming. I had just hoped it would take another few weeks.

@Jade jones oh it’s awful. Last time round coke helped and I basically just lived off of ice poles and crackers! Hope you feel better soon.

Woke up feeling awful again and shaky. Will force myself to eat some toast and hopefully feel a bit better for the bus to work.
Hope everyone else is feeling ok today xx
@Jac2019 thank you! I know, I was the same in my last pregnancy so at least I already knew what was coming. I had just hoped it would take another few weeks.

@Jade jones oh it’s awful. Last time round coke helped and I basically just lived off of ice poles and crackers! Hope you feel better soon.

Woke up feeling awful again and shaky. Will force myself to eat some toast and hopefully feel a bit better for the bus to work.
Hope everyone else is feeling ok today xx
I never had it this bad any of the times but hopefully this will be it then for me.

That is what I am living on ice poles and rice cake crackers... Though last night managed a cold bit of toast.

Poor you watch you don't over do it. If feel terrible can you not phone in work. You are more important. Xxx
What’s the difference if i self refer? Will it all go through quicker? I’ll look into it thanks xx
Well it just means you don't wait for the doctors appointment then wait for the midwife, however it shouldn't make difference on time (just means not wasting any NHS time by going to the docs if you can self refer). The midwife will plan to see you before 10 weeks regardless of how you are referred xx
Thanks @Jac2019 I’ll see how I go. I have two shifts today so if the first one is horrendous I will phone in for my second. I am reluctant though as I don’t get sick pay and it’s still so early. I would rather save my phoning in sick for when I throwing up.

I have everything crossed for you, sickness is definitely a good sign that things are progressing xx
I’m soooo dizzy today! Is that the same as nausea?! I don’t know! I’m eating okay! Had a banana and apple for breakfast!

listen to us all feeling like crap lol! I love it! Xxx
@mummybear2 oh no 2 shifts. That is alot. Just make sure you sit anytime you feel it coming on don't want you fainting and hopefully not sick.

@Littleperson the nausea is when feel sick. I do get the dizziness too but quite often if stand up too quick. Be careful with that as you don't want to faint. That's good you are still able to eat. Xxx

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