*** August 2018 Mummies ***

Its exciting that everyone is getting their scan pics in, we still have to wait another week.

How is everyone feeling now? Any better in general?

I think I have been feeling better although I ended up in A&E with an infection under my scalp (Sebacceous cyst - i blame the peanut for increasing sebum production!!) so it's hard to tell if I feel baby lousy or infection lousy. The doctor gave me antibiotics, so fingers crossed it clears up quick.

Have any of you managed to shake off some symptoms?

that sounds painful? Hope you feel better soon...
I'm feeling so much better now so I'm hopeful that the second trimester will be a lot easier!

aside from these weird stabbing pains where my ovaries are... I'm absolutely terrified about it! When I'm pregnant I turn into an anxious mess :wall2:
Its pretty painful yeah, and I wasn't keen on taking antibiotics, but then the Dr started talking about getting a scabby infected scalp and I was like "write up that prescription!!!" Annoyingly They can only be removed by surgery after i've given birth, but hopefully they will not get infected again.

Really feeling positive for 2nd trimester, though I am still being sick I do feel much more 'myself'

It's hard not to be paranoid about everything isn't it. I think abdominal pains are pretty normal because everything is moving and stretching, as long as its not unbearable I would try not to over think it xxx
it's tough! It's my last baby so I don't want to go through the countless miscarriages again trying for the last one..I'm finding it so hard to gt attached to the pregnancy :/
hopefully it goes straightforward enough and then I can quit ttc for good because I want my tubes tied after!:rotfl:

aw yeah I hope that stays away for you! it's bad enough to have the sickness without that :(

Feeling sick is awful but pregnancy sick is THE WORST! literally everything makes you sick and for me it feels like i'm on a boat blueeergh...

Think I spoke too soon when I said it was better! just had some veg and a pita bread for lunch and I can taste it again already LOL!
it's tough! It's my last baby so I don't want to go through the countless miscarriages again trying for the last one..I'm finding it so hard to gt attached to the pregnancy :/
hopefully it goes straightforward enough and then I can quit ttc for good because I want my tubes tied after!:rotfl:

aw yeah I hope that stays away for you! it's bad enough to have the sickness without that :(

Feeling sick is awful but pregnancy sick is THE WORST! literally everything makes you sick and for me it feels like i'm on a boat blueeergh...

Think I spoke too soon when I said it was better! just had some veg and a pita bread for lunch and I can taste it again already LOL!

Hahaha, every day I proclaim that I am definitely turning a corner with the sickness... my other half just tells me to shut up now because its never actually the case :fib: Wishful thinking!
They just don't understaaaaaaaaaaaaand!!!! It's so horrible you can't help but moan out load haaha :sick::sick::sick::sick:
I had my scan and consultant appointment yesterday! Both went well, due to my family history (my sister died as a baby of spina bifida and a congenital heart defect) I have to have a couple of extra scans at 16&19 weeks to check the spine and heart but it’s all precautionary and means I get to see little bean a lot more!

Hope everyone is ok xx


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Congratulations Niv glad all is well! Yeah at least you get to see baba! That was the same with our first we had lots of scans!! I had my 2 week scan through already! It’s on the 8th March! Who is going to open up second tri thread I’m 14 weeks on Tuesday!! Xxx
Not long then - I’m guessing a lot of people’s due dates will have changed at the scan, but according to the list it’s babyready first, then you, Mexico. I’m 13 weeks on Monday- can’t believe we’re nearly a third of the way through!

I think seen as you are the first to pop you should open the tread! You might be lonely for a week or so though. Niv, that’s so exciting you will get to see the little one again in a few weeks!!

Time is finally not crawling by :)
second tri is only 6 days away! :O :O :O I'm scared!

I wish I had never said I felt better yesterday because I've just puked at work nooooooo!
Haha!! I would if I knew how! I’m rubbish with all this technology rubbish! That’s why I have a secretary!!! Haha!! Haha red I am now due on 1 August! So will be 14 weeks on Tuesday!! Xx
Mexico you should definitely start the tri 2 thread and we’ll all trickle across after you! I still have just under 2 weeks to go but will sneak across sooner! It feels like such a huge milestone to reach and it’s finally nearly here for us all!! Xx
Mexico you should definitely start the tri 2 thread and we’ll all trickle across after you! I still have just under 2 weeks to go but will sneak across sooner! It feels like such a huge milestone to reach and it’s finally nearly here for us all!! Xx

why did this make me emotional? why does everything make me cry!! lol
Go for it Mexico - there is a ‘new thread’ button in the top left corner. Jamie - I’m the same - blame the hormones!
ooooh if you start a thread in tri 2, could you please add me on? I'm not on this list but DD is 2nd aug :)
Yay! Finally got my scan date through this morning it's 6th Feb I'll be 13+4 weeks so hopefully there will be a big one in there! X
Such peer pressure! Is it because I talk a lot!!! I know I’m terrible for chatting!! Well you be pleased to know I’ve started it by have not idea how your add the pink and blue babies or yellow!?? If someone could let me know that would be marvellous!! Xxx
God just re read that last post!!! Horrendous!! I blame my one year old!! Actually she typed it haha

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