***August 2016 Mummies***

Hula hoops and Bombay mix for me! Think this means we're all having boys? :D
Hello ladies

I am new to this forum and am totally unsure of how to use it properly but just wanted to hear how other people were coping. I am a first time expecting mam and think I am around 8 weeks pregnant only my partner and our mams know the great news. However I am currently off sick from work as I feel terrible the nausea is horrific and I spent the majority of the last four days in bed unable to do anything due to the nausea and zero energy. I have spoken to my GP who tells me this is all completely normal and to keep well hydrated. How are all you other expecting mams feeling??????
Nicola87 xxx
Hi all, just thought I'd pop in as I'm another due end of August. Scan isn't for another few weeks, tiredness is a bit better this week but sicky feeling has been lingering, not sure if the sea bands are helping or not, but it's feels like a constant tummy upset. I'm not usually one for orange juice but I can't get enough of it the last couple of weeks. Anyone else had any cravings or aversions? :-)
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Nicole, have you tried the sea bands? You can get them at the chemist. Alot of women swear by the them. Hope you sickness eases up soon!
Hi everyone, I've been lurking on these forums since I got my BFP. I've finally plucked up the courage to join since I had my dating scan yesterday. I originally was reading the July baby thread since my original date was the 27th July but she put me at 12 weeks 1 day yesterday which makes it the 1st August.
This is both mine and my partners first baby. So much more relieved after yesterday!

So this is my hello :wave:
I have got the sea bands on .... Nibbling ginger biscuits .... Sipping ginger non alcoholic ale .... Burning mint and ginger candels and nothing appears to be helping right now - am hoping this passes very soon!!! I was so excited when I found out I was pregnant I had no idea what was in store for me :-( ....... My booking in appointment is on the 28th January - hopefully I will get better dating at that appointment! ........ How quickly did you ladies get dating scans after the booking in appt??? Xxx
I had my booking in appointment today and she called through and arranged my scan there and then.

I can't stop eating especially cheese.. Eating chunks of cheese dreading the weight gain. I got my scan through 5 days after my 6week nhs scan mines the 19th Feb but have a private scan next frudat(29th) xx
Hi to the new ladies and congrats.

I'm really struggling lately, can't get excited about this pregnancy and still don't believe I'm pregnant, even tho I've had an early scan. We were ntnp but it still came as a massive shock as it only took 2 times after coming off the patch! Didn't think it would take that quick tbh. Please don't get me wrong, I do want this baby and I can't wait for my daughter to have a sibling but I can't shake this feeling.

Also my daughter is going through her terrible twos, or so I hope anyway. She's just become such hard work lately. Constantly kicking hitting and pinching me. Refusing to do anything. Everything is a fight. I'm feeling so exhausted with the constant battle everyday and keep asking myself if I'm really ready to do all this again?! We're also having a bit of money issues at the mo which makes me worry even more if and how were gonna afford a second.

I've been feeling like this for a while now and can't seem to pick myself up. I'm thinking of calling the midwife tomorrow to speak about how I'm feeling because I've been to my doctors before about depression and anxiety and tbh I've never really got anywhere so hoping the midwife may be able to advise better.

Sorry for the long rant, just needed to get it off my chest. Hope everyone is well xx
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Nicola, I totally recognise your story. With me, it lasted until 6 months pregnancy the previous time. After that, I had a little bit of energy and only got sick every other day. I seriously thought i'd never want another pregnancy. Until I held our boy in my hands :-) maybe you don't feel that now, but it's totally worth everything.
Everyone's different so you have to see for yourself, but this was true for me: it was worse when I was at home. I had to stop working but everyday at home was terrible. What helped, was:
- actually taking the medication my Doctor prescribed (at first I didn't bc I thought that was best for the baby)
- eating small things every hour (an apple, a biscuit...)
- exercise and going outside: even a short walk could feel good
I really hope you feel better soon!
Hello to the newbies! I've got lazy at adding people to the first page of the thread - sorry!

Well, I am sick as a dog every day and don't see it going anywhere soon but with any luck it will just disappear. Yesterday and today I feel a bit more alert and awake which is nice to feel after weeks of feeling awful, I am still not sleeping great but it's a little better than the last few weeks lately.

I have my scan tomorrow which I just cannot wait for! If all goes well, I am treating myself to a nice changing bag from mothercare hehe.

Pregnancy is one of the hardest things I feel like I have ever done, my first pregnancy was just spent wishing it away because I was just so knackered and sick, I was determined to not wish this one away but I am a little bit because I hate feeling and being sick. I hope I get a break from feeling sick because I don't know what it feels like to enjoy a pregnancy! I was to embrace it this time, which is difficult when your head is down the toilet lol.

This forum is great because we are all in the same position, we can all relate to what the others are feeling, there is advice everywhere you look and you can seek so much support. I've been on here for 6 years and I love it! Xx
It is nice to know others are going through the same, even when I was just reading the forum.
I've had horrendous sickness, I have one good day then the next I will pay for that good day! I feel as though I haven't been able to enjoy it, just want to fast forward through to where my sickness stopped. Felt kind of ungrateful as I would just feel sorry for myself and deep down I knew the sickness was a good sign. And I don't think I've been awake past 9.30pm since about 6 weeks haha! It has hit me like I never thought it would.
I have a scan tomorrow. I will feel so scared going into that room, last scan was when I discovered a mmc at 12 weeks.

My nhs scan is 8th Feb, but we wanted to go a couple of weeks before to see how things were going. Haven't wanted to go any earlier because of what happened previously (had early scan that was fine then had mmc)
Good luck for your scan too! I'm sure it will be fine - all very exciting. Xxxx
Good luck tomorrow!
I just got sick by brushing my teeth...
Good luck for tomorrow, I have midwife appointment first thing and honestly, I'm dreading it!
I woke up gagging this morning and teeth brushing started me off again. I can't physically be sick but I still get the retching, watery mouth and all that jazz but because nothing comes up I can be stuck retching for hours :( xx
Clare hope your scan goes well tomorrow. Be sure to let us know :)

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