***August 2016 Mummies***

Thanks everyone. It's reassuring to hear you also have back pain but keep picking your kid up, Kholl. Then I just keep doing it also, should be normal then :-) this is exactly the reason why I changed to this forum. Around here people are quite overprotective to pregnant women, like they put you in a glass cage so nothing could go wrong.

This is such a backwards approach to pregnancy. On one level, I do get it; there is an abundance of horror stories out there. We are all scared. I'm scared. But the reality is that the vast majority of pregnancies and babies are healthy and fine. Our bodies are made to do this. We are MADE to grow new people while we nurse and carry around other people. We are hardcore badass woman warriors. And for the vast majority of us our pregnancies and babies are far more durable, hardy, and resilient than we could ever comprehend.
Anyone else finding it increasingly difficult to hide it from people?

We told very close family on Xmas day & I have just had my night shifts changed in work as I'm struggling too much to keep awake. I just know all my team will be asking questions & they will guess, women only change to an earlier night shift when pregnant.

What do I tell them?!!!

Only 7+6 today.
can I be an honorary hardcore badass woman warrior? :-) women are amazing and this is perfect proof of what they're capable of ;-) xx
I'm going to totally get rumbled at work.

Had to come clean a couple of times already when I've been asked to do something that I shouldn't!

We've had a dog whose on medication that could be dangerous for me and I was asked to care for her, I just said I can but someone else will need to do her meds. We've had a couple in that have had on going diarrhoea which I've refused to handle as I'm worried about catching something if they have a zoonotic disease. Plus a dog I handled on Boxing Day is huge and really boisterous- jumped all over me so I don't think I'll take him out again. As a team member whose worked there for 11 years and normally just gets on with everything, people will definitely suspect!!

And I'm only 5+1!!!!!

Morning everyone! I have just caught up on the last few days of you guys... Christmas day I woke up with a stinking cold and I still haven't shifted it! Typical. I go back to work on Wednesday and my time off has been spent poorly :( how very annoying!

On the plus side I still haven't been sick which is awesome! Barely ate any dinner on Christmas day, and ive lost 3lbs this week in weight which is a good start to the stone I plan on losing before my booking in appointment in 3 weeks! Luckily I am still off my food so it may well be possible.

I can't believe I am already 8 weeks! This pregnancy is going to fly by which is nice.

Sounds like lots of families have been told! It is nice to tell everyone isnt it, I told my dad this christmas which was nice. I was worried about his reaction but his was better than my mums thank god!

I'm home alone with tummy ache and headache! All I want to do is shop for the baby :(
I'm home alone with tummy ache and headache! All I want to do is shop for the baby :(

You could always make an Amazon wish list, that way you're not actually buying anything but you get to browse all the cute baby stuff and save for after scan x
The tiredness I am feeling has been absolutely unreal. Last night I went to bed at 9:30, although had been knackered for ages before. I slept until 10:30, for up had some food and went a decent length walk. I was then back in bed at 2pm and slept until 6:30.
I have been physically sick a few times and feel nauseous most days at some point. This level of tiredness is unbelievable though!
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Don't make the mistake of looking on mothercare january sales! they have the travel system I definitely want on there which is bittersweet because I want to buy it so much but know its farrrrrr too early! they also have the cot I want on sale as well. Grr!! lol.

Now we have told OH's family, the ones that have recently had babies want to give us all their old baby stuff! which is great but I really dont know where on earth we are going to put it all! We are talking moses basket and stand, steriliser, bottles etc the lot! It is really kind and handy of them all but blimey 8 weeks in and already have no storage lol god help us when we have to actually make room for the baby and move the flat around! DD is already planning the bedroom share and cannot wait to have a bunk bed lol!

Clare I totallllly am on your wavelength with the tiredness situation, I am so so knackered and I just want to sleep all the time even if I get a 10 hour night I just want to sleep some more. I still haven't got dressed and have been lounging on the sofa with DD since we woke up! And I plan my whole day around bed time. Me and OH have been going to bed soooo early at like 7 or 8 so we can watch a film in bed but im out like a light half an hour in. xxx
We had stuff offered to pay us and this is bad but I don't want it, this is our first baby and I want to go out shopping and choose stuff! :( can't tell them that though!

My pram system is in the sales too, £200 off! Was checks Boxing Day :)
I want to choose my own stuff too, that's why I'm going to do the amazon wish list so if people want to contribute they can choose something from there- ahhh i'm so controlling lol! x
Hahaha it is like that with your first, with your second any old tat will do lolllll xxx
Lol that's what my Mum said! She said she drank a bit of wine with me as she'd stopped caring so much- charming!

Awful lower back ache today, just need to sit and chill for a bit x
We're not getting anything other than the pram & clothes new. We're having all my brother & wife's stuff that they had for their daughter. It's all white etc so perfect for boy or girl. We see it a waste to buy all that when there's perfectly good condition stuff available. We know we're not going to have more than 1 child so it really would be a waste.
We're not getting anything other than the pram & clothes new. We're having all my brother & wife's stuff that they had for their daughter. It's all white etc so perfect for boy or girl. We see it a waste to buy all that when there's perfectly good condition stuff available. We know we're not going to have more than 1 child so it really would be a waste.

I have been offered loads of stuff from Adam's brother who just had a baby and his sister has a 9 month old so is getting ready to get rid of all her stuff which is handy! I just want clothes and pushchair new as well, don't know about a cot though because we live in a little flat we don't have room for a cotbed so will have to be the small cot type (I had this last time) so we really won't have to spend that much which is nice xx
I have a daughter and a son so we won't need new baby gear... But what's worse is we WILL need a new car because we will have 3 in car seats! I still have my beloved mazda3 from 2004, my zippy little hatchback I have loved so dearly, and I think we will have to sell it for a minivan or something like that with 3 rows.

I absolutely can not wait to see/hear a heartbeat guys. I'm SO nervous about this pregnancy. I just NEED proof baby is growing and thriving. I've heard this can be a "third baby" thing- the increased anxiety around the pregnancy and birth. I hope it's that and not intuition. I can't wait for my first appointment (haven't made one yet as I'm waiting for my insurance to be finalized).
I'm seeing gp next Friday and I'll be asking for an early scan.

I won't believe everything is ok until I see a baby with a heartbeat on the scan. I had a mmc last pregnancy so feeling super anxious this time round.

I sold a lot of my son's stuff, as we didn't think we'd have another baby, so we've pretty much got to start from scratch.

Obviously be waiting until we know everything is ok, although I did buy one little outfit to try and keep the faith that all will be ok.


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