***August 2016 Mummies***

It's soooo hard not to worry. I am just terrified of losing this baby. The first trimester is such a beast, either you feel like crap or you feel ok which makes you feel terrified because you should be feeling like crap. Ugh!
Yeah that's exactly it and I feel like I've jinxed myself as we've told a few people but before we've only ever been able to say I was pregnant but I lost it! I liked being able to tell people and see happy reactions!
Hello, hope I can join in, can you please add me to the 26th?
No real symptoms yet, except I'm horribly bloated, though that might just be the crazy amounts of food I've been eating over Christmas!
Is anyone else getting really bad headaches?
I slept 12 hours after yesterday!
And been feeling nauseas all day!
Yep terrible headache all day today I've been trying to drink loads of water but it's made no difference x
Welcome Lulie! :-)
I'm also really tired, 2h after I wake up I could already use another nap!
Welcome to the new joiners! Very exciting!

Another one here who is just so thirsty all the time and can't seem to find a drink that actually refreshes me x
My wife is still weeing and drinking lots and has been falling asleep really early most nights. I've offered her a lie in and I'll get up with our 3 yo and 3 month old pup! :-)
It's soooo hard not to worry. I am just terrified of losing this baby. The first trimester is such a beast, either you feel like crap or you feel ok which makes you feel terrified because you should be feeling like crap. Ugh!

Haha oh yea it's a loooooooong 8or so weeks after finding out!!
So I'm five weeks today.

It was around this time last pregnancy that I had my missed miscarriage last time, so I'm feeling a bit edgy.

Really hope everything is ok in there.

Angelaeris: it really is exciting :-) congrats!
Emily, fingers crossed for you. I really hope this baby stays with you.
Anyone else with a toddler? How do you handle their need for cuddles and picking up? If I pick him up my back aches so I think I shouldn't... He's not 2 yet so he doesn't understand and I hate the disappointed look he gives me when daddy has to take him when he really wants mama... :-(
My little boy is three.

I'm still picking him up and lugging him about everywhere!

I'm not feeling any aches from it though. The only pain I've been getting is round ligament pain if I stand up too quickly or if I sneeze.

Flo- I have a 4-year-old and a 15-month-old. It's just business as usual over here, though at the moment we are visiting family and they are doing a ton of help and most of the heavy lifting. But when we get home I don't plan on changing anything. I have round ligament pain and the lower back ache too, it just kind of comes with the territory. I'm sure you're fine picking him up!
My wife has cerebral palsy and we have a 3 yo and a 3 month old puppy. She still does everything she normally does. She can crawl on her knees as normal. Granted she can't pick our 3 yo up but then she never really did. You'll be fine :-) x
Weeing lots and feel soo tired hoping after Christmas when i go back to work and school for my girls things will start to return to 'normal' and we can get back into a routine x
Can't eat enough today- except turkey, absolutely sick of the taste of turkey! X
Thanks everyone. It's reassuring to hear you also have back pain but keep picking your kid up, Kholl. Then I just keep doing it also, should be normal then :-) this is exactly the reason why I changed to this forum. Around here people are quite overprotective to pregnant women, like they put you in a glass cage so nothing could go wrong.

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