***August 2016 Mummies***

Lol they are really addictive!
I was really sick with my twin preg but that didn't work out so it's stopped being a reassurance so much to me but it is still reassuring me a little anyway! I like knowing there is something there :)

Till 7-8 months!! Sounds horrid :( xx
Glad some of you are having the same feeling as me; hungry but don't want to eat!
Did a digi test this morning. Just had to ;-)


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I've got the same- hungry but don't want to eat going on! Aww sorry you were sick on yourself poor thing.

I'm so excited about telling the parents today, gonna give them a cute card that says 'congratulations you're going to be grandparents' eek! X
Oh I wish I was having the 'hungry but don't want to eat thing'... eating is the only thing stopping my nausea... am going to be the size of a house very soon at this rate!
I went to the GP yesterday who confirmed everything and got me booked in with the midwife on 11th Jan. It feels a little more real now!
So sorry you're all feeling grim though... especially Millie... being sick on yourself is no fun!!
Michael - it looks great when written doesn't it :yay:
Let us know how the parents react today FP! So exciting...
Have a wonderful Christmas eve everyone xx
Will do, DH is really nervous. I'm like- we've lived together nearly 9 years, we're married, have good jobs and a house, good relationships with both sets and they know we've been TTC. It's hardly going to come as a massive surprise! X
My wife is hungry all the time lately. It really does LR456, it really does!! :-)

Happy Christmas Eve everyone!!!
I'm 4+4 today.

Did a digi hoping to get my 2-3.

Didn't get it...


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Hehe love this Emily :D

Thankfully my sickness is worst at night atm, means I get no sleep but can attempt to function in the day between the sick. It's just constant all night! Sick until theres no more bile left then I just dry heave all night lol. Xxx
:poas:Hubby bought me another digital one as I'm constantly worried I'm not pregnant anymore but I did get my 3+weeks :poas:

Hoping that calms me down until next Thursday when I have my scan!

Anyone else having a problem with constantly needing to wee? I got an email from baby centre that says by 7 weeks our uterus has doubled in size and can already be pressing on your bladder! I hate going to the loo at the moment as I'm constantly expecting to have come on.
Loving the 3+ weeks results ladies.... I may buy myself another digi as an early present :)
I'm forever going to the loo aswell! also have the dread of seeing AF whenever I go... glad I'm not the only one! xx
I'm always going to the loo anyone but defooo have the expecting to see bleeding thing. Scares me!! Xx
Nice news with the digis everyone.

The only test I had left was an ic that I did this morning. The line came up before the wee had even made it across he strip. It's very dark, like a very positive opk. I don't think ic's get any darker do they?

I had an early loss at just 6 weeks earlier in year but my tests never got very dark and I was spotting brown the whole time. Also had a mmc last year, so I worry. Feeling good about this one though. Am 5+3
Yeah if it's like a very pos opk then I think thats about as dark as they go :D
Sorry about your losses :( xx
Ah yes the constant weeing :rofl: I'm trying to resist the urge to keep testing as I've read that around the 7-9week mark they can come up as negative due to the preg hormone being too high.
Ack I'm too scared to buy a digi in case it only says 1-2. Or even worse "not pregnant". But sure love seeing your ladies' results on here!
I think we'll buy one more next week to see the 3+ weeks but otherwise that'll be it x my wife is constantly going for a wee! She'll get up in the morning go for a wee then 20 mins later go for another one. She hasn't even had a drink!! I'm happy as long as she is happy though ;-)
Michael thats a sweet thing to say :) bless it is a very very happy time!

I pee constantly anyway so I am just used to it but it has increased slightly! I am sooo shattered preparing for christmas now, I have cleaned my flat top to bottom and cleared a tonne of clothes and toys from DD's room so we are all ready for christmas toys!

I hope you lovely ladies and gentlemen have an incredible christmas - Ill say it now just in case I can't get on here tomorrow! So exciting for those sharing their news on christmas day :D enjoy, xxx
Thanks! GP booked for Jan 7th! Can't wait. Merry Christmas everyone xx

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