

Well-Known Member
May 21, 2013
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I swear I'm gonna sick up my insides. 30+ times today and I'm in so much pain from it. I've had enough today that I've just taken a tablet that I know in half hour I will feel like I'm dying with a racing heart. But at least I won't be sick and will be able to get some sleep. I feel so ill it's unreal. Just hope I can keep the tablet in long enough to work. I know I said throw it all at me just make my baby ok and I do honestly mean it but I wouldn't mind a day off or even just a morning. Thank you :-) just needed a rant cos I feel like I am dying and gonna see my insides in the toilet or sink or floor or garden lol or wherever it lands. Oh I need sleep x
Oh you poor thing. Can you go back to drs - it sounds like you need something else to try, there must be something they can suggest?!
I really feel your pain hun, i had the really severe sickness with my daughter and i think i am already heading that way now too. What have the docs given you to take? There are a few different tablets about so maybe go back and see if they can give u something else to try.
Oh gosh hope you feel better soon! I had awful sickness with my son I couldn't go anywhere without being sick. With this pregnancy I feel sick in the mornings and have the urge to be sick but haven't been sick much but I feel sick so bad it's horrible isn't it hope you feel better soon xx our babies will be worth it :-) xxx
I've hot docs today at 10:00 I am being monitered closely. I'm like this with every pregnancy it sucks. I'm taking metoclopramide at the moment but they make me feel quite I'll with a racing heart beat. Lots of the other tablets I can't take cos a regular tablet I take daily so not much on offer for me I'm afraid. X
You poor thing. I hope this sickness stage passes quickly for you and/or that the docs can give you something else today x

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