Are you superstitious?


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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It's weird isn't it?

Is your pram at home?
Mine is at my mom's along with the crib, car seat and bouncing chair.

We've put the cot up, mainly so we can put all the baby stuff in it to store it as we haven't got the baby's wardrobe yet.

Maybe I'm just listening to my mom too much, but she thinks the pram and stuff shouldn't be in the house before the baby!
Urchin, im exactly the same.

The pram is at my mother in laws and wont be coming until Baby is born. We have got the Cot up with the moses basket in and all clothes etc are washed and ready.

Ragna xxx
The weird thing is wrapping Christmas presents.
Although we know his name, I won't write it on any of the labels yet so when I have him I'll have to go and write it on everything!
I'm not supersticious, but everyone else is.

My pram and cot are round the mother in laws and all the baby stuff at home is hidden away from the eyes of my DH who doesn't want to tempt fate.

If it was up to me, the nursery would be completely ready and all clothes washed and hung ready to wear!

At least we are buying things now. Phew! I thought it was never going to happen!
i'm not supersticious at all! my nursery is all ready (need shelves and curtains), the cot is up and all the clothes are washed and ready. got everything we need more or less, just boring stuff left to buy now, like nursing bras etc. the pram is on order and will be delivered next week, which is very exciting and it will no doubt be played with a lot before february!!

lol, i like being organised and want everything to be 100% ready for xmas, so that when i finish work a week after xmas i can actually just try to relax, poter about and do nice things before baby arrives!
I was on my last two, didnt bring there prams in the house untill they were born.

this time round im more relaxed tho, i just think, "what will be will be", nothing i do will change the outcome that is already set for me
I totally agree with you Layla!

How can buying a pram and letting it sit in our hallway cause me to lose the baby!

Utterly ridiculous
I'd never even heard of this before I was about 20weeks - and I'm not that supersticious. Everything we buy is coming straight home with us so I can obsess over it and drive OH mad :lol:
My pram, cot, moses basket, car seat - well everything! Is in the nursery. Have had majority of items in the house since I was 7 weeks.

Her clothes are washed and put away in her drawers.

Now just need to get in there and give it a massive clean so it's all ready.

So no I am not superstitious in the slightest!
My pram is at MIL's house but just because we are decorating living room and I don't want it to get dusty or paint on it. Have everything else here, will be bringing pram into house when decorating is finished. Have also washed all of bean's clothes and put them away in the drawers. I'm not a superstitiuos person, I used to have a major thing about not standing on the cracks in the pavement in case something bad happened to one of my family and it took me a while to stop that so I now just think sod it, I need to have everything around me so I feel ready.
My nan started on about this a while ago and said "Oh don;t have the pram in the house!". Anyway, a while back she asked if I had the pram and I said yes and she asked where it was. I said it was at home in the living room. She was mortified so me and my cousin were like "So nan what happens then if the pram is in the house, eh???", she was stuck for words. God help me if anything is wrong now :(

I wouldn't have even thougt twice about it if she hadn't had said that and had never even heard it. It's horrible when people put things into your head like that as it scares you.

emma1976 said:
I wouldn't have even thougt twice about it if she hadn't had said that and had never even heard it. It's horrible when people put things into your head like that as it scares you.


Nah don't take it seriously, I feel a bit stupid about it, but we do have practical reason too, like the nursery hasn't got the carpet in yet so we don't really have the room in there (its full of hubby's DIY stuff as he's been busy doing it)
I have washed and sorted all the clothes, bought loads of new clothes and nappies and stuff...I think some people are scared to get ANYTHING which is a bit silly!
I have to agree that like you say having the pram in the house is not going to make you lose your baby and that its just supersticitious.

Only thing is if you have ever been through the pain of a miscarriage then you will not let anything even if its totally irrational, come in your way and chance anything going wrong...(if that makes sense)

Ragna xxxx
I'm superstitious too, well only coz all my family have said it's bad luck to have the pushchair in your own home, so i've kept mine at my aunt's as she has a spare bedroom. I set it up at her's then just folded it up, but my moses basket is going to be in my soon, it's scurrently at my other aunt's as she bought it for me, and i'm buying the cot in a few weeks and that's coming here too. I think it's just meant to be the pushchair which is badluck, well i hope so anyway. LOL.

I'm superstitious too, well only coz all my family have said it's bad luck to have the pushchair in your own home, so i've kept mine at my aunt's as she has a spare bedroom. I set it up at her's then just folded it up, but my moses basket is going to be in my soon, it's scurrently at my other aunt's as she bought it for me, and i'm buying the cot in a few weeks and that's coming here too. I think it's just meant to be the pushchair which is badluck, well i hope so anyway. LOL.

I'm superstitious too, well only coz all my family have said it's bad luck to have the pushchair in your own home, so i've kept mine at my aunt's as she has a spare bedroom. I set it up at her's then just folded it up, but my moses basket is going to be in my soon, it's currently at my other aunt's as she bought it for me, and i'm buying the cot in a few weeks and that's coming here too. I think it's just meant to be the pushchair which is badluck, well i hope so anyway. LOL.

iv left my pram at my mums house. both my mum and karls mum have told us not to have it in the house! iv got every thing else here, clothes,toys, moses basket...etc. the only thing is, now iv bought everything and im only waiting for baby to arrive i wanna get it all set out and ready and i wanna have a go with my pram :( . but the house needs sorting before i can get things ready.
plz hurry baby!!!!!!

I want to have a go with my pram too, but it's at my mums, not really to do with bad luck, more to do with space
you guys are sooo organised in the first place!
i know i've still got time befors due date but i've hardly got anything, just a couple of baby woolies and socks because february will be cold!! my mum's got walkie talkies and bottles and things at home which the neighbours gave us and i will be bringing back in january (bless the neighbours!), but i havent even given the cot or babybath a thought yet really :oops:

as far as superstition goes i must admit it was a bit of a waste of money as the first pram i was to get stayed at a friends but got mouldy (couldnt quite believe it at first). she'd insisted it stay at hers and ended up getting me a new one which is arriving soon- she's a sweetheart!

don't know where i'm putting everything though as baby's going to have to share my room til i move back to france.
take care
pip and I.E xxx

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