Are you married?

Im married, have been for 3 years. but only cos he asked, i would have been happy without it.
I've been married for 16 weeks today, I still forget! Ha xxx
Married since January this year. Together since 2002.

Hardly anyone knows we are married though as we've not told most people. I didn't change my surname nor do we wear wedding rings. Nothing to tell people we are Mr and not so Mrs :lol: Which suits me. I just wanted low key and to carry on as we were. And its been lovely so far this way :)
Married now, but wasn't when I had my daughter.
DH and I Have Been Married Nearly 7 Weeks (on Sat) :D
Well, you know I'm married.
We just did it because i wanted a family. I don't think there is anyhting wrong with having children outside of marriage, I just wanted to prove people wrong. My Mam had me when she was 15 and I never knew who my dad was. She got married when I was 8 and that's great, he adopted me and is all the dad I've ever wanted. His family however was a different story, thought Mam was a slapper and never failed to let us know. They also made a huge difference between me and my sister (who is his).
So because they were tarring me with same brush, I was determined not to have kids til I had a ring on my finger. Unfortunately not the finger I stick in the air when I see them, but good enough :lol:

I don't think I feel any different or that it has made a difference to our relationship though!
I voted engaged although it's only unofficial because he wants to do it properly when he can afford the ring. Getting married will happen but it's not a priority right now.
nope but hes the eager one who wants to get married lol its normally the woman whos pushing the man :O prob cause we got a baby and we been engaged sinced 2004 i think cant really remember lol got together in 2002 dec so has to be something like that :P
pinkangel said:
I've been married for 16 weeks today, I still forget! Ha xxx

why dont u make a ticker so u remember ;)
Can separated be added to the poll?

I'm waiting to get divorced living with partner.
DH and I have been married just over 4 years. We have been together for 11 Years. :shock:
:D 3 years married and 9 years together

god alone knows how - from both our sides :rotfl:
We have been married for 6 years (together for 10).
I loved having the big party and married life has been wonderful, but it really is no different from not being married.
Whatever floats your boat really!
five years......and we've managed to produce three kids............

now we're resting :wink:
Oooh do i hold the record for living in sin?
been together 14 years and engaged for 13!!! :shock:

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