Are you married?

Weve been together for 7 years and married for 2. I wouldnt change a thing.My husband is lovely. :cheer:
I'm not married or engaged. I'm still quite young (I'm 20 and my OH is 27). My Mum was a bit upset when I told her about the baby, cause it's always her children who 'Do things the wrong way round.' It doesn't mean we won't though, we've been looking at rings and I've dropped serious hints..we just don't want to get married cause I'm pregnant, we want to get married because we love eachother.
im married we got married when i was 6 months pregnant :D
Not married. Know each other for 12 years. Been engaged for just over 2 and together for nearly 7 years.
We're not quite ready to make that commitment yet! :rotfl: :wink:
we started trying march 2006 - june 2006 and then he proposed.. so we decided to wait untill after we got married... we got married 17th march this year and started trying after our honeymoon.. we caught with this one on our 2nd cycle :)

i think people should do what they want to in regards to marriage.. i think a lot of people get married because they feel they have to. (hence divorce rate)

hopefully i will still be saying this in a few years.. but i got married to alex and made the vows to be his life partner. through thick and thin. i wanted us to be married before we got pregnant to know that any more children were planned and wanted in a secure household. to parents who love each other and respect each other. (my personal opinion) and i couldnt have married a better man..he is seriously amazing..

>> heres a bucket for you :puke: lol
we toostarted ttc before getting married (jan 06) married in april 06 ! and tbh i was glad i didnt concieved befoe the wedding and its really loverly to be doing the baby stuff as hubby and wife again tho personal oppionion ! its just nice , like t the scan they said surname , and it was nice we all matched !
I'm married, been with DH 3 and half years, married for year and half :D

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