are you getting headaches alot?


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2013
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I seem to have one everyday, sometimes I wake up with it and it lasts until I go to sleep at night and does not shift even after a nap. Should I be concerned? Does this mean i'm not drinking enough fluids? I take a litre bottle to work full of water and re fill it up at work and then a few glasses of water when I get home.
Also, i've noticed when I have a bad migraine I have bad nausea. Can someone help me.
I can't say I have an answer- however try upping your fluids to see if that helps- if drinking extra litres doesn't help maybe ask your midwife?

I don't get headaches- and when I do I know it's because I'm dehydrated- dehydration headaches are usually more the back of the neck area apparently?
I have the headaches near my temples or behind my eye. It's always one side x
I don't know any cure Sophie but I have had loads of headaches as well. I hope that they settle soon for you xxx
My friend has suffered like this and midwife told her even tho she thinks she's drinking a lot she's still not drinking enough and ordered her to drink half a pint every 4 hours - try that and hope it helps. Get some gel patches too xx
I never get headaches and although mine aren't as bad as yours I have been getting them pretty regularly. I
Read that they were a pregnancy side affect due to all the hormones. I hope they ease soon for you xxx
Yes I get them pretty much every day too especially in this weather x
I never use to get them unless i wasnt drinking enough b4 pg, but now im really careful to drink lots and i still seem to get them alot im hoping its the hormones.

Michelle. x
I've woke up with another one! I'm going insane!
I was having daily headaches up until 20 weeks. Paracetamol really helped and mw said I could take that 4 times a day if I needed it. Never needed to take it more than once. Resting also helped but difficult to do! If I ignored it too long it would develop into a full blown migraine with blurry lines in that affected eye. I used to think I was having a stroke! They checked my bp a few times and its been fine, so just the hormones.
I've been getting headaches too, but paracetamol does the trick,

im getting a lot of light headedness when i try to have an active moment. having to sit back down a lot. this causes me headaches. and also stress. paracetamol and water are my friend this week.
How much paracetomol can you take? Didn't know this
Sorry about the headaches Sophie its summet I always suffer in pregnancy and u can take paracetamol as normal they won't do any harm at all xx
I've had them sophie, my preg book says its normal- I think this heat might have something to do with it too. Paracetamol works though! :)
I have issues with headaches. Think the heat is causing them at the moment though. Am trying to drink lots to keep them at bay, but I do worry about taking painkillers too often.

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