Are these what you would call?


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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Braxton Hicks.

Last 2 night have been the most uncomftable-ist nights ive ever had in my life when my belly goes hard my lower back hurts :( ive not had much sleep bout 4 hours id managed to sleep lastnight but that was also cos i struggled to sleep the night before with the pains. I had a little pain round the bump but mostly its backache.
The pain usually starts round night time when im watching telly to when i go to bed not noticed much this morning :eh:.

Is this signs of Braxton Hicks??
thanks for reading x
does this mean at any point now i cud be in early labour or does BH have to go on for awhile yet? :) lol x
BH can come and go as far as I know hun.. They're more common toward the end but don't necessarily mean labour is going to be any quicker than it should be xxx
BH can start from 20 weeks hun and are not a sign of early labour - its just your body preparing for the real things - i've been having them for ages and have them most nights now, as long as they are not regular or painful you should be fine xxxx
didnt really notice any braxton hicks lastnight if i did i thought it was the baby basically jumping on my bladder every 5 mins well 3 times in the night ive had to make toilet trips im hoping this is normal at this stage of the pregnancy but its so friggin annoying i wonder if thats why i get braxton hicks if i didnt go toilet as often as i do now x
All sounds normal hun, I can't wait until I don't need to go for what feels like a ten wee's in the night LOL, i seem to be forever up and down and its got worse since babys heads engaged. Ah well the time will probably fly for you now and then it will all have been worth it x
it will all be worth it for my little man but at the miniute i cant help thinking that i cant wait to get him out lol x

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