is this the start?


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2007
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since last night at 12.30 ive been having braxton hicks but different. normally they are all around the stomach but these were local to lower part and also would feel it in my right leg before it starts in stomach. got quite painfull but not bad.

had midwife checkup today and im 4/5 engaged now and baby still back to back. had hicks all day long still but get quite painfull, been on the sofa all day and cramps etc in my back, tummy is sore to touch and it feels like all my insides are going to drop out of me lol.

i havnt had any real harsh pains yet but quite intense hicks.

midwife said if it get so bad that nothing i do will comfort then to ring up the ward but so far its fine.

really different than the last lots, never had hicks all day. baby also very quiet and been going to the loo soooooo soooo often to clear out my erm bowels :oops:

doesnt feel like its progressing if it is.... maybe its a warning of whats to come :twisted: haha
could be ur body saying rytim ready to push out the baba :lol:

sounds like u got a few labour symptoms there deff call up if the get worse hun! :hug:
I feel kind of like you do and have done for a few days now. Over the weekend my stomach felt quite upset and I had a really bad bout of diarrhea and have done again today and yesterday. I've also been feeling quite sicky and having a lot of period type pains in my lower belly.

Still having BH's but not many and they're up high above my belly button where baby's bum and legs are.

I just don't know what's going on! :? :?
Did you get pains in your cervix/down below too? I have been getting real bad shooting pains there - worse than usual but wonder if it's just baby engaging more. MW appt on Thursday morning coming. Baby was 1/5 engaged almost 2 weeks ago....
yeah lots of shooting sharp pains, sharp enough to make me stand up and grip something. bum feels like theres something there but not poo lol.
not had the runs as such, normal but very pale and soft.
also hard to go for a wee, feels like cramping up when i do.
well stopped until last night and i couldnt lie or sit in any position 2 get comfy.
all day today my tum feels like its going to explode!!! waves of pain down my lower back, sharp shooting pains along with BH.

really wish it would just get on with it and come. going to ravage the OH tonight after he is back from the pub and not stopping until its out! :pray:

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