**** APRIL MUMMIES 2016!!!**** Almost there!****

I have cereal as my bed time snack every night so I don't get the midnight munchies ;)

That's a good buy Jenny... I've bought a couple of these nighties for my hospital bag, a bit granny like but has buttons for bf, 5.99 each.


I might buy a few next week from the weekly market... they have those old lady ones with the buttons that look terrible but oh so comfy. Have my anti D tomorrow and scan on friday... Also is it normal that I haven't had my whooping cough shot booked yet?
MrsT, are you taking iron suppliments to make sure your levels stay up? Home birth terrifies me but it must be a magical experience! A friend of mine gave birth to her baby at home with only her partner present! (Well, and LB) a gew weeks ago. Happened so fast they didn't have time to get to the hospital or call for help.

No iron supplements at the moment - they are checking them tomorrow and any concerns I'll start on something ASAP.

My previous labour was quite short and relatively easy which is why I'd like the option to home birth - I'm not so set on the idea that if I had to go to hospital I would be upset as I just want baby here safe but I would love to be at home with hubby and my little boy and be in my own bed after!
Constantly hungry here too and a little bit obsessed with cereal too Jedi :-)

Finally ordered baby's pram so that was the last big thing to get. Also ordeted a birthing ball. Just a new moses basket mattress and some bits now for my hospital bag to buy. I got some nice black pj bottoms 2 for £10 if anyone is thinking of getting some, really comfy.

Has anyone used a tens machine for any previous labours? I'm debating getting one - feel like the more natural pain relief things I have to try out before resorting to the drugs the better!!

I used a tens Hun with my first - the trick is to start using it as soon as labour starts so you can build strength up with contractions.
Lots of people wait till they're in a lot of pain and by then it's pointless.

I loved it and it got me through labour with no pain relief - I tried water birth but got out as preferred tens and tried gas and air but again found I had more control with pressing the boost button on the tens rather than sucking on gas and air so gave up after a couple of puffs.
Sorry flot, meant to say pj bottoms were from asda, just on George website. Can get delivered to local store for free :-)

MrsT2011, thanks for the tip on tens machine. I would like a water birth but think this would be great whilst still at home (and in case I can't use pool for any reason). Think I'll look into getting one tomorrow.

Jedi - hope anti d and scan go well Friday, think whooping cough is any time after 28 weeks, I had mine about 30 I think.

Kk - cant really believe we are packing our hospital bags?! Time has flown ;-)
is it fairy powder everyone uses to wash all the bedding and clothes in?
Futurejedi you will need to ring your doctors surgery and make an appointment for your whooping cough sometime between 28-32 weeks... xx
I have just an aerobics class and I feel fab it was brilliant to work up a sweat!:clap: Maybe I am a bit mad!

he's fine, healthy and measuring right on time
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MrsW, any non bio washing powder & fabric softener to wash baby clothes in :)

Jedi, gorgeous scan photo! Do you have any more coming up?

Felt the baby turn 180 the other night!! It was breech at my scan a fortnight ago. And the other day I was stuck with what felt like a plank horizontally in my tummy! Quite painful, awkward and it took my breath away but after a good few minutes of lying down everything felt SO much better. Confirmed by the midwife that baby had infact turned and is now head down. It can most definitely stay that way please! :D xXx
I'm not sure Flick, they say if the growth keeps going steady there won't be a need for another scan...
Baby is breech but midwife says it's ok as there's a lot of time for him to move into position :)
Mines transverse so desperate for them to turn head down! Still time and room though!
Last MW check she said the baby was oblique which is odd but I do feel movement top right and bottom left of my tummy so guess she is still there as you say girls still loads of time to move around some don't engage until the last minute especially if its baby 2 onwards!
I am still battling this damned cold it is getting me down now I feel like we have all (at home) been poorly for the last two weeks it is getting draining now!!
Ah well at least it is Friday girls so pass the wine oh no wait....hehe!! :-)
But I work weekends Damn! :P
oh and I am going to have to go off work earlier than expected... I have a bunch of holidays to take and they reset in April, so I'm doing holidays in March and then put the month of April off...
Hope these naughty babies turn for you in next few weeks, still plenty of time! Had our last nct class today, 2 of the 8 couples weren't there as theyve had babies this week. But further on than me though, 36 weeks.

Collected pram this afternoon, it's all coming together slowly! X
Well, when I told my mum that they do your EDD for 40 weeks over here she started laughing and said no way you'll get to 40 weeks.
Apparently they count for 37-38 back home... So let's see if my little boy decides to come out early :)
I know it's an awful thing to say but i'm starting to get fed up with being pregnant, the whole not sleeping proper and not being able to be on my feet for long makes me feel awful and useless. I managed to do my shift last night, but then I came home and I could barely walk.
How are you ladies coping?
In France isn't term 42 weeks?
Last pg my lb was born a week late so I'm not hopeful of an early baby
I really feel for you those who have jobs which demand you are on your feet all day! I work full time but mainly sat at a desk. Doing my cleaning takes it out of me- was in agony with sciatic type pain last night after cleaning all day :( other than that and the usual pregnancy moans i'm good lol! I wake up most nights for a wee and then struggle to get back to sleep cos baby is moving so much.... got 5 weeks left to work then I'm done!!
Totally agree glad I don't work on my feet I only have 6 weeks in work
But only 3 days a weeks so 18 days left !!!

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