**** APRIL MUMMIES 2016!!!**** Almost there!****

Yeyyyy congrats blueberry and other ladies!
Blueberry would love to hear about the water birth?!
Glad everyone's doing well! Hang in there ladies still due to have babies, it won't be long at all now!
Sending lots of love and hugs!

water birth was everything id hoped for, really was. Calming, relaxing and I totally zenned out! I remember my partners, mums and midwife's whispers just being so distant and we had some spa music on, was heavenly! Water was lovely and warm and it wasn't long before I was gently pushing. I pulled Jacob out the water and it was such a magical feeling bringing him up to me.
I'm so lucky..no stitches, everything went really smoothly. I'd 100% have a water birth again, every time Xxx
Right Flot we're going to get these babies out by the weekend!
I'm going to attempt to Dtd with hubby tonight, long walk tomorrow and curry Saturday.

Any other suggestions?

Thread hopping from May Mummies!

Hows all the April mamas and babas getting on!?

How many left to pop!? Xxx
I'm still here babyslog - my due date today. Have a feeling I'll be joining you in May babies!

Aww hun!
I went 10 days over with my first.. I was a right grumpy cow lol!
FX something happens before Sunday for you! xxx
I have a feeling this is going to be a May baby as well! I too am going to attempt to dtd today! We tried a few days ago and nothing!
They say nipple stimulation works as well but you have to do it quite a lot!
Come on babies we don't want any inductions! Xx


It's like I've swallowed a beach ball! Seriously uncomfy now. My daughter was 8lb2 at 40+5 so I'm quite worried to go anymore over!

Nearly there ladies get walking, bouncing (on balls or OHs!!) and relaxing while you still can!
With you on the water birth blueberry I LOVED mine so different to dd1 I was calm, warm, bump weight was taken and I just did what I needed to do with just gas for pain relief and even stopped that when I was about to deliver her! It felt so natural and I was proud of myself which was not how I felt after dd1 and so much intervention! Xx
Congratulations April 2016 mummies!

My April 2015 baby girl just turned 1 and feeling so broody but NO more for me. Enjoy your little ones, they grow up far too quickly.
Ahhh Flot I officially join you in the overdue club 40+1 x

Welcome! Rofl! I woke hubby up at 5.30am this morning to dtd as I couldn't sleep ;-) x

Ha brilliant! We managed to Dtd last night but didn't work.

Hubby woke me up at 6.30 coughing so I'm more likely to kill him than give him sex right now, especially as he's gone back to sleep!

Ha ha it hasn't worked yet for me either and it's so awkward now! I'm still getting a ridiculous amount of BH and period type cramping but it amounts to nothing! Very frustrating as I'll have to be induced at this rate :(
GET OUT baby! Thank you please x

MrsT, your last post made me giggle! sorry I imagine you weren't laughing though!
Hope things happen for you soon ladies Xxx
I really hope something happens soon as well!
Hubby has hay fever and is like this every year - just seems worse when pregnant!

I'm sorry to hear you girls are still pregnant. Can't believe it's nearly May already, seems like I got pregnant yesterday and I already have a grumpy 2 month old in my arms. Had a scare with him last week, after feeding he had what I can only describe as a seizure... Took him to the hospital after being advised by 111 operator to do so. Turns out it's just reaaaaly bad reflux. He is now weighing at 6.14lbs. I feel so bad for him when I hear your babies are so big xD whenever I try to take him to activities he's right sleeping through them and all the other babies are massive! He'll eventually catch up I hope
Flot are we still in the overdue club or have you left me lol?!?!?


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