So 10+2 today and i am definitely feeling a few more twinges, pulls and stretches - if anything its actually comforting, its almost like a reassurance that he or she is progressing and setting up home
Is anyone using bio oil or the like? (other brands are also available

I bought a big bottle which i have already started to use and will continue to do so - no harm in starting early i thought.
hope everyone is feeling ok?x
Ive been getting quite a few niggles and stretchy type feelings, like quick sharp twinges, I get shooting pains up my bum aswell lol! I hope its growing pains!
Funnily enough I was thinking about starting bio oil this week, definitely no harm in starting early
Think my sickness is turning a corner now, only vomited twice yesterday and once today so far and Im not as repulsed by food anyway although Im still on the beige diet
11 days until my scan, just wish it was now arghhh!
Has everyone opted for the combined screening? Does anyone know when the blood gets taken for it is it at the same time as the NT scan? Xx
As long as were all feeling the same, that makes me feel more assured
Thats good about the sickness, its the right time for it to be slowing down, i hear you scream thank god
Thankfully since my salivating salads at the weekend, he or she has continued with wanting goodness, although the dry crackers and toast are still quite apparent
I feel i should know what you mean by combined screening

? i got all the paper work, briefly flicked through it and had a read and back in the cupboard it went, so i feel like i will be learning from you girls or as i go along to each scan