**** April 2019 mummies ****

I am actually sadly excited to say today I ate a salad :dance: I was literally salivating eating it and the thought of anything beige was not appealing at all.

Its like my little jelly bean (what the oh and I refer to he or she as <3) was sick of beige and wanted some actual goodness, thank god!

I hope this continues so I can stay to eat decent nutritional food.

Ooh IVW sounds like you are turning a corner to feeling normal again, so pleased for you! I’m hoping the next two weeks shows an improvement for me too x
I am actually sadly excited to say today I ate a salad :dance: I was literally salivating eating it and the thought of anything beige was not appealing at all.

Its like my little jelly bean (what the oh and I refer to he or she as <3) was sick of beige and wanted some actual goodness, thank god!

I hope this continues so I can stay to eat decent nutritional food.

Ooh IVW sounds like you are turning a corner to feeling normal again, so pleased for you! I’m hoping the next two weeks shows an improvement for me too x

But then of course I am also thinking ‘I hope everything’s ok....’ you kind of get used to eating the same foods and feeling nauseous, so when that suddenly changes of course you question it :wall2:, but I’m honestly not worried, I know things change so I just need to embrace it <3

Roll on our next scans :love: and hopefully your sickness starts to die down as well.x
I am actually sadly excited to say today I ate a salad :dance: I was literally salivating eating it and the thought of anything beige was not appealing at all.

Its like my little jelly bean (what the oh and I refer to he or she as <3) was sick of beige and wanted some actual goodness, thank god!

I hope this continues so I can stay to eat decent nutritional food.

Ooh IVW sounds like you are turning a corner to feeling normal again, so pleased for you! I’m hoping the next two weeks shows an improvement for me too x

But then of course I am also thinking ‘I hope everything’s ok....’ you kind of get used to eating the same foods and feeling nauseous, so when that suddenly changes of course you question it :wall2:, but I’m honestly not worried, I know things change so I just need to embrace it <3

Roll on our next scans :love: and hopefully your sickness starts to die down as well.x

Oh I know, when anything changes it worries me too, but it’s normal for the sickness to start easing off at this stage, in fact when I opened one of my apps today first thing it said was many women find the sickness starts to ease off now, yay!

Yes roll on our scans, you don’t have too long to wait either, mines 2 weeks on Monday, I’m hoping it flies by considering it’s dragged so much so far! And then after the scan we are nearly in tri 2! Amazing :)
I am actually sadly excited to say today I ate a salad :dance: I was literally salivating eating it and the thought of anything beige was not appealing at all.

Its like my little jelly bean (what the oh and I refer to he or she as <3) was sick of beige and wanted some actual goodness, thank god!

I hope this continues so I can stay to eat decent nutritional food.

Ooh IVW sounds like you are turning a corner to feeling normal again, so pleased for you! I’m hoping the next two weeks shows an improvement for me too x

But then of course I am also thinking ‘I hope everything’s ok....’ you kind of get used to eating the same foods and feeling nauseous, so when that suddenly changes of course you question it :wall2:, but I’m honestly not worried, I know things change so I just need to embrace it <3

Roll on our next scans :love: and hopefully your sickness starts to die down as well.x

Oh I know, when anything changes it worries me too, but it’s normal for the sickness to start easing off at this stage, in fact when I opened one of my apps today first thing it said was many women find the sickness starts to ease off now, yay!

Yes roll on our scans, you don’t have too long to wait either, mines 2 weeks on Monday, I’m hoping it flies by considering it’s dragged so much so far! And then after the scan we are nearly in tri 2! Amazing :)

Oh phew, that’s good to know :dance:

Let’s hope the next two weeks fly by, I think after that time I will be a lot more relaxed about everything - I hope :shock: :lol:
Yes I am going to find out the gender. I will book a scan for 16 weeks I can't wait. I need to for practicality reasons more than anything and where are we going to put them all Haha! We live in a 3 bed semi so considering a move too.
My sickness has eased a touch recently too I feel the same as you worried at any slight change but must remember it does settle.
It's his mum's birthday tomorrow we are going to tell her. Dreading it not sure she is going to be thrilled we are having a 5th. I don't know why people think it's their business??? Xxx
Yes I am going to find out the gender. I will book a scan for 16 weeks I can't wait. I need to for practicality reasons more than anything and where are we going to put them all Haha! We live in a 3 bed semi so considering a move too.
My sickness has eased a touch recently too I feel the same as you worried at any slight change but must remember it does settle.
It's his mum's birthday tomorrow we are going to tell her. Dreading it not sure she is going to be thrilled we are having a 5th. I don't know why people think it's their business??? Xxx

Its strange isn't it, that past a 3rd child people just aren't that bothered :roll:

I think any child is a blessing and first last or 5th should all be amazing news to any grandparents <3
Yes I am going to find out the gender. I will book a scan for 16 weeks I can't wait. I need to for practicality reasons more than anything and where are we going to put them all Haha! We live in a 3 bed semi so considering a move too.
My sickness has eased a touch recently too I feel the same as you worried at any slight change but must remember it does settle.
It's his mum's birthday tomorrow we are going to tell her. Dreading it not sure she is going to be thrilled we are having a 5th. I don't know why people think it's their business??? Xxx

Oh how exciting I’m now thinking I just want to know the gender too! I can’t wait to be able to buy stuff eek!

Well it’s definitely not anyone else’s business if you want a big family, if it doesn’t affect them personally in any way I’m not sure why they would even have an opinion on it!!! I wouldn’t worry about it, have you told your kids yet? Xxx
Thats the main reason I want to know the sex, so it makes buying a whole load easier <3

Annoyingly I know we won't need to buy too much, esp clothes as I know come my baby shower we will be spoilt rotten, going by the baby showers I have been to. My sister held off and knew there was a reason why, she got sooooo much stuff it even shocked me at how much she got.

These itchy legs are driving me mad!!!!!!
Exactly it isn't anyone else's business! I am not sure why she has such a problem to be honest I remember her begging us for grandchildren years ago...and that is what she got. We don't have an awful lot to do with her we never ask her for anything. Or anyone else! We both work we pay nursery, breakfast and afterschool clubs. We take our kids on holiday and days out. We aren't made of money but we do ok and our kids are happy. I am 32 and hubby is 35 and we have been married 10 years... childhood sweethearts. But some people just like to comment and can't understand that we have lots of children. You would think it is them bringing them up. I don't know why I let her bother me so much but when I was pregnant with my youngest she didn't give us the nicest of responses!!!

I have been having a little look in next and Mothercare and desperate to buy something but going to hold off. I didn't have a baby shower with number 4 it was booked and I had him early ha! Not sure I will have one for 5 but would love to have a spa day with my mum and sisters and best friends before baby arrives xxx
I should add I am from a big family I am the 2nd youngest of 7. This will be my parents 21st grandchild xx
I should add I am from a big family I am the 2nd youngest of 7. This will be my parents 21st grandchild xx

:shock::shock::shock::shock: wow thats mega, but absolutely amazing <3

I have three siblings, eldest bro has 3 girls and my sister has a girl, so the pressure is on me to have a boy :lol:

I love the fact that I have 3 siblings and that our kids are going to have loads of cousins <3

I have said we need to sort some sort of agreement when it comes to xmas presents :lol:
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The pee situtation has hit massively! Up 3 times for a pee last night. Ive just timed myself and ive had 4 pees in less than 2.5 hours! 4 days now until my 12 week scan and im so excited! I feel like i could cry at everything today, im an emotiobal person anyway but even more sensitive today haha
The pee situtation has hit massively! Up 3 times for a pee last night. Ive just timed myself and ive had 4 pees in less than 2.5 hours! 4 days now until my 12 week scan and im so excited! I feel like i could cry at everything today, im an emotiobal person anyway but even more sensitive today haha

I hadn't really noticed it, as I am a frequent urinator anyway, but my lord I am with you on this one, the wee trips have been a lot more frequent that I am used to and its annoying :wall2:
Well I've been hit by a bout of food poisoning today! Feel like death warmed up! Maybe it's karma because I've not had much morning sickness.
Thanks Laura. I'm starting to feel slightly better but I'm freaking out because I haven't done any of the work I was supposed to do over the weekend! There's always something, isn't there?!
Hi girls! Had a call to pick my son up from nursery this morning. He's been under the weather with cough and cold for about a week but his cheeks very red and blotchy. Got a doctors appt and they think he has slapped cheek. Which none of my children have ever had and is apparently very dangerous for pregnant women. So she took emergency bloods to check my immunity and she wants me to have little contact with him until we get my results back!!! It's just a massive palava xxx
Hi girls! Had a call to pick my son up from nursery this morning. He's been under the weather with cough and cold for about a week but his cheeks very red and blotchy. Got a doctors appt and they think he has slapped cheek. Which none of my children have ever had and is apparently very dangerous for pregnant women. So she took emergency bloods to check my immunity and she wants me to have little contact with him until we get my results back!!! It's just a massive palava xxx

Arghhh what a nightmare! It’s a bit hard not to have much contact with your own child! I think you should book yourself into a 5 star spa hotel until it’s all resolved ha ha :lol:

Hopefully they will get the blood results back to you quickly xxx
Night owl that sounds good!!! Hubby has managed to take 2 days holiday and fingers crossed I am immune xxx
Eughhh why is it that at the weekend the nauseous isn't that obvious, and as soon as the working week starts, bam, sickness feelings galore :roll:

My boss this morning 'Still no morning sickness?' as if to ask in a way that am i vomiting in the morning! so i said 'oh no its and all day sickness feeling' and that was the end of that conversation :lol:

He has two kids of his own, surely he would know its not as obvious as have a quick puke in the morning and thats that :lol:

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