**** April 2019 mummies ****

Hope the spotting turns out to be nothing, have you rung anyone ?

Good luck for the scan RF!!

I’ve just confirmed 24th is my scan. Seeing midwife a week tomorrow so I’m sure she’ll explain all to me
I think there is a few of us in the spotting club in this group now! Roll on the second trimester eh! X
Oh I don't like this spotting club I have started! Hopefully we are all fine. I have done so much reading on it the past couple of weeks I have drove myself nuts. But what your both describing is similar to mine and from what I have read the pinky/brown is ok. Just to be more concerned if red. But that being said I have read so many stories of ladies bright red bleeding and having successful pregnancies. So really it's anybody's guess and we just have to try and not worry too much and wait and see xxx I hope your both ok xxx
Oh I don't like this spotting club I have started! Hopefully we are all fine. I have done so much reading on it the past couple of weeks I have drove myself nuts. But what your both describing is similar to mine and from what I have read the pinky/brown is ok. Just to be more concerned if red. But that being said I have read so many stories of ladies bright red bleeding and having successful pregnancies. So really it's anybody's guess and we just have to try and not worry too much and wait and see xxx I hope your both ok xxx

Sorry to hear there are some of you spotting. With my first i had a heavy clotty bleed at 13 weeks and everything turned out fine. Try not to panic! Although easier said than done but most bleeds are normal especially if they are brown/pink.
Haven't phoned anyone as I only noticed at 4 when I was in work. I'm going to see how I Go this evening and if it gets worse I might call dr in the morning. Ds has an appointment Friday so if it doesn't get worse I'll mention it then.
I had 2 'periods' with my first and all was fine so I think thats why I'm no too worked up.
I'm hoping it's just the placenta making itself comfortable.

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Thanks mummymoreton, I’m trying not to stress and panic but it is so hard, I think the best thing for me to do is wait and see what happens over the next few days, I’ve been nearly throwing up all day in work today but not sure if it’s now from stress! Just going to have a lie down when I get in from work xx

Im sure its nothing to worry about, but I know thats easier said than done <3

Roll on the 12 week scans :love:
Just got home from my scan. From period dates I thought I was 6+5... She measured baby at 5-6 weeks so I must have ovulated late. However.... She was still able to find a heartbeat!!!! We r both over the moon!! She wants to see me again on 30th to check it's progressing as it should!
Aww that's brillaint news raining flowers and I am sure very reasurring! Was thinking of how you got on xxx
Congratulations raining flowers that’s amazing news xx
How's the spotting girls? Xx

I haven’t had any more, but I’ve generally gone very dry down there which is worrying me :-(
I felt like it started so well for me, I got a nice early bfp, my lines went strong really quickly, done a clearblue which showed 3+ at exactly 5 weeks, I’ve had nausea on and off, and now I’ve just lost all confidence, sorry to be so doom and gloom, if I get any more or if anything else feels wrong I think I will phone the early pregnancy unit

How are you getting on? Xx
How's the spotting girls? Xx

I haven’t had any more, but I’ve generally gone very dry down there which is worrying me :-(
I felt like it started so well for me, I got a nice early bfp, my lines went strong really quickly, done a clearblue which showed 3+ at exactly 5 weeks, I’ve had nausea on and off, and now I’ve just lost all confidence, sorry to be so doom and gloom, if I get any more or if anything else feels wrong I think I will phone the early pregnancy unit

How are you getting on? Xx[/QUOTE

Listen your talking to a major worry bug here so don't be apologising!
These first weeks are such a worry and we over analyse absolutely everything especially because we have had losses before. So as soon as things change ever so slightly we think right that's it...end of the road again! But look I am still here and I have had spotting on and off since we found out. And so far (fx) things have been progressing as they should. So just keep an eye on it and take it easy and if it was me and I was you I would contact epu if it happens again. I know you have to be referred to my unit by gp/midwife etc.
I haven't had spotting for 2 days in a row. Had lots of thick discharge today though, slightly discolured (sorry tmi) I am still very anxious about Thursday praying things have progressed and there's a heartbeat. I just don't have any symptoms which is worrying me xxx
Fingers crossed you will see a lovely heartbeat on thurs, I have a feeling you will, the spotting stopping is great news xx
Great news raining flowers!
Still a little bit of spotting here, brown now which makes me feel a bit better. Getting an early night and will see what happens tomorrow.
Night ladies. X

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I had a miscarriage a few days ago. Started spotting then the next day bleeding and went to hospital

Hopefully will be back here in the near future

Wishing you all the v best x
Sorry to hear that Jellybean. Hope you find yourself back in Tri 1 quickly x

I had a miscarriage a few days ago. Started spotting then the next day bleeding and went to hospital

Hopefully will be back here in the near future

Wishing you all the v best x

So sorry jellybean. Sending love xx
So sorry to hear that jellybean. Look after yourself x

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