How's the spotting girls? Xx
I havent had any more, but Ive generally gone very dry down there which is worrying me
I felt like it started so well for me, I got a nice early bfp, my lines went strong really quickly, done a clearblue which showed 3+ at exactly 5 weeks, Ive had nausea on and off, and now Ive just lost all confidence, sorry to be so doom and gloom, if I get any more or if anything else feels wrong I think I will phone the early pregnancy unit
How are you getting on? Xx[/QUOTE
Listen your talking to a major worry bug here so don't be apologising!
These first weeks are such a worry and we over analyse absolutely everything especially because we have had losses before. So as soon as things change ever so slightly we think right that's it...end of the road again! But look I am still here and I have had spotting on and off since we found out. And so far (fx) things have been progressing as they should. So just keep an eye on it and take it easy and if it was me and I was you I would contact epu if it happens again. I know you have to be referred to my unit by gp/midwife etc.
I haven't had spotting for 2 days in a row. Had lots of thick discharge today though, slightly discolured (sorry tmi) I am still very anxious about Thursday praying things have progressed and there's a heartbeat. I just don't have any symptoms which is worrying me xxx