**** April 2019 mummies ****

6 weeks today! It feels like a bit of a milestone, but the real milestone will be getting through the next 6 weeks, some days I feel like time has stopped!

Lost my appetite a bit and got some mild nausea on and off

Niknaknoo you are right about it being hard in the first trimester being around people who don’t know, I’m not making any more social plans until after 12 week scan date as it’s been so hard getting through this weekend! I’ve got a spa day to get through this Saturday, we get a glass of prosecco which will be getting discretely tipped away somewhere! I might just ‘accidentally’ knock it over,

Got my booking in appointment this afternoon so it’s starting to feel a bit more real now

IVW men are useless about this sort of stuff they’ve got no clue how it all works!
6 weeks today! It feels like a bit of a milestone, but the real milestone will be getting through the next 6 weeks, some days I feel like time has stopped!

Lost my appetite a bit and got some mild nausea on and off

Niknaknoo you are right about it being hard in the first trimester being around people who don’t know, I’m not making any more social plans until after 12 week scan date as it’s been so hard getting through this weekend! I’ve got a spa day to get through this Saturday, we get a glass of prosecco which will be getting discretely tipped away somewhere! I might just ‘accidentally’ knock it over,

Got my booking in appointment this afternoon so it’s starting to feel a bit more real now

IVW men are useless about this sort of stuff they’ve got no clue how it all works!

Are you counting from the first day of your last period? Im 6+5, but you had your bfp before me, but then is that down to cycle lengths etc?

I would discreetly tip it away every now and then, so its no so obvious the whole thing is gone in a oner :lol: If you spill it, they might just come and top you up or someone might go and get you another glass, then your back to square one.

Eeeeek its exciting <3 did you get to this part before?
6 weeks today! It feels like a bit of a milestone, but the real milestone will be getting through the next 6 weeks, some days I feel like time has stopped!

Lost my appetite a bit and got some mild nausea on and off

Niknaknoo you are right about it being hard in the first trimester being around people who don’t know, I’m not making any more social plans until after 12 week scan date as it’s been so hard getting through this weekend! I’ve got a spa day to get through this Saturday, we get a glass of prosecco which will be getting discretely tipped away somewhere! I might just ‘accidentally’ knock it over,

Got my booking in appointment this afternoon so it’s starting to feel a bit more real now

IVW men are useless about this sort of stuff they’ve got no clue how it all works!

Are you counting from the first day of your last period? Im 6+5, but you had your bfp before me, but then is that down to cycle lengths etc?

I would discreetly tip it away every now and then, so its no so obvious the whole thing is gone in a oner :lol: If you spill it, they might just come and top you up or someone might go and get you another glass, then your back to square one.

Eeeeek its exciting <3 did you get to this part before?

First day of my last period was 7th July, with ovulation on 24th July which was CD18 of approx a 30 day cycle, I normally have a 12/13 day LP so I’ve worked out I was due AF on 6th Aug so I’m counting 6th Aug as 4 weeks pregnant, I could only really be 6+2 at the most as I only had sex once which was on 22nd July CD16, I must have a longer cycle then you or something, I’m going to ask the midwife today to check my estimated dates, They go through that with you anyway, it’s all so confusing, I think I got an early bfp too

I actually got to 10+3 last time IVW! But that’s when I started spotting and went for emergency scan and they found only an empty sac which measured around 6 weeks, in my heart I wasn’t too surprised as apart from sore boobs and being hungrier I just didn’t feel pregnant at all, The sore boobs were probably just caused by my progesterone staying high to keep the pregnancy, I’ve had more symptoms this time round so in my mind if this pregnancy is progressing normally then it’s got further then it did last time if that makes sense! I would actually love strong symptoms this time round, I know everyone will be thinking I’m crazy but it would just stop me from going mad wondering if there’s even a baby growing in there or not!

Oh a tip for your appointment tomorrow IVW save some wee as sometimes they ask you to wee in a pot as they need a sample :lol:
I saw midwife on Friday, took blood pressure, height, weight, filled in a form, asked about previous pregnancies, asked if I felt safe in my relationship and what hospital I wanted to go to and sent me on my way! Just waiting for letter from hospital as I’ll have full booking in and scan ion same day.

Was this your first appointment? Just wondering what to expect really, even though my sister did give me the low down, i can imagine all places are very different.

Yep, first appointment. But it’s true everywhere is so different. Mad they just take your word for it in some places!
6 weeks today! It feels like a bit of a milestone, but the real milestone will be getting through the next 6 weeks, some days I feel like time has stopped!

Lost my appetite a bit and got some mild nausea on and off

Niknaknoo you are right about it being hard in the first trimester being around people who don&#8217;t know, I&#8217;m not making any more social plans until after 12 week scan date as it&#8217;s been so hard getting through this weekend! I&#8217;ve got a spa day to get through this Saturday, we get a glass of prosecco which will be getting discretely tipped away somewhere! I might just &#8216;accidentally&#8217; knock it over,

Got my booking in appointment this afternoon so it&#8217;s starting to feel a bit more real now

IVW men are useless about this sort of stuff they&#8217;ve got no clue how it all works!

Are you counting from the first day of your last period? Im 6+5, but you had your bfp before me, but then is that down to cycle lengths etc?

I would discreetly tip it away every now and then, so its no so obvious the whole thing is gone in a oner :lol: If you spill it, they might just come and top you up or someone might go and get you another glass, then your back to square one.

Eeeeek its exciting <3 did you get to this part before?

First day of my last period was 7th July, with ovulation on 24th July which was CD18 of approx a 30 day cycle, I normally have a 12/13 day LP so I&#8217;ve worked out I was due AF on 6th Aug so I&#8217;m counting 6th Aug as 4 weeks pregnant, I could only really be 6+2 at the most as I only had sex once which was on 22nd July CD16, I must have a longer cycle then you or something, I&#8217;m going to ask the midwife today to check my estimated dates, They go through that with you anyway, it&#8217;s all so confusing, I think I got an early bfp too

I actually got to 10+3 last time IVW! But that&#8217;s when I started spotting and went for emergency scan and they found only an empty sac which measured around 6 weeks, in my heart I wasn&#8217;t too surprised as apart from sore boobs and being hungrier I just didn&#8217;t feel pregnant at all, The sore boobs were probably just caused by my progesterone staying high to keep the pregnancy, I&#8217;ve had more symptoms this time round so in my mind if this pregnancy is progressing normally then it&#8217;s got further then it did last time if that makes sense! I would actually love strong symptoms this time round, I know everyone will be thinking I&#8217;m crazy but it would just stop me from going mad wondering if there&#8217;s even a baby growing in there or not!

Oh a tip for your appointment tomorrow IVW save some wee as sometimes they ask you to wee in a pot as they need a sample :lol:

Ahh so i am doing it right - the first day of my period was 4th July, so yea our cycles vary slightly.

Oh no thats the only symptoms i have :shock: real thirst and hunger, sore boobs, esp nipples yesterday - wow, did that hurt when i caught them and tired, getting up is a struggle and i am yawning alot more than usual - but i know every pregnancy is different and not everyone feels the same. I hate not knowing :wall2:

Oh dw about that, i pee every hour on the hour :lol: and can push to half an hour at times. I know i will be busting when i get there, so will hold fire until we go in and ask if i can do that first :lol:
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Was someone having a scan today?? I can't remember who?? Mine is tomorrow and I am s******g myself!!! I'm convinced there's guna be no heartbeat. I'm sat at work and I just can't concentrate on anything!!
Someone at work has just asked me when I’m going for no2. It’s so hard to be blasé about it knowing!! People have been asking this practically since she was born though &#128580;

My mom has also been buying baby vests!!! I’m really grateful obviously but I’ve had to tell her not to buy any more &#128584;
Someone at work has just asked me when I’m going for no2. It’s so hard to be blasé about it knowing!! People have been asking this practically since she was born though &#128580;

My mom has also been buying baby vests!!! I’m really grateful obviously but I’ve had to tell her not to buy any more &#128584;

I know the feeling. People are constantly asking me when im having another as times getting on an my DS is nearly 3 and the age gap will be too much etc. I feel like telling everyone who ask to basically piss off and mind their own business.I get sick of it.
They just assume thay people get pregnant over night. Or they expect everyone can get pregnant and it irritates me so much!
Sorry for the rant lol
Someone at work has just asked me when I’m going for no2. It’s so hard to be blasé about it knowing!! People have been asking this practically since she was born though &#128580;

My mom has also been buying baby vests!!! I’m really grateful obviously but I’ve had to tell her not to buy any more &#128584;

I know the feeling. People are constantly asking me when im having another as times getting on an my DS is nearly 3 and the age gap will be too much etc. I feel like telling everyone who ask to basically piss off and mind their own business.I get sick of it.
They just assume thay people get pregnant over night. Or they expect everyone can get pregnant and it irritates me so much!
Sorry for the rant lol

Its funny though isnt it, as everyone has been in this situation and probably didnt like being asked themselves, yet they then do it to others :roll:

I know i will definitely try and not ask 'sooo when is baby number 2' - as i used to ask it so flippantly - i definitely wont be now as i just wouldn't want to put someone in an 'awkward' position where they have to tell a little lie.
Someone at work has just asked me when I’m going for no2. It’s so hard to be blasé about it knowing!! People have been asking this practically since she was born though &#128580;

My mom has also been buying baby vests!!! I’m really grateful obviously but I’ve had to tell her not to buy any more &#128584;

Mums just get so excited dont they :lol:

I havent even told my parents :oooo:
Was someone having a scan today?? I can't remember who?? Mine is tomorrow and I am s******g myself!!! I'm convinced there's guna be no heartbeat. I'm sat at work and I just can't concentrate on anything!!

I have a scan on Thursday and I feel the same as you! I will only be 6 +1 we just need to be positive xxx
Morning Girls <3

Hope you all had a good weekend?

So not drinking on Saturday was actually ok, i did tell my friend and her oh as they would have sussed it straight away, so i was on the non alcoholic cocktails, which were really nice and i actually lasted all afternoon while they whacked back the wine, beer, gin, you name it, i just sat there with my pint of water :lol:

Managed to coax the oh away at 7pm, which ended in a bickering match in waterloo lol as he said about going to meet our mate for one drink - but at this point, i was ready to go home and didnt want to lie in another friends face, who also wouldnt believe me, but the oh just didnt get it :roll: managed to get him on the train and dropped him off at the pub, so he was happy, and i went home - felt weird being the driver :lol:

First doctors appointment tomorrow - will they do a pregnancy test and / or a blood test?

Bl**dy oh wanted me to do a pregnancy test at the weekend :wall2: he is just heightening my anxiety atm!!!!

Men :lol:

Well done! It's so hard keeping it secret you want to tell the work but at the same time keep it just till you know all is well.
Haha why did he want you to do a test did he not believe you?
How many weeks are you? I can't quite remember from last time none of my doctors ever did a pregnancy test. They wanted to check I was happy to be pregnant, referred to the ante natal clinic and told me to take folic acid. It's always a bit different with me because I have a blood clotting disorder I am already taking aspirin and have a scan Thursday to see if there's a heartbeat and then then they can prescribe my blood thinning injections.
So never been straight forward for me. I think input areas your seen by 8 weeks by a midwife then 12 week scan xxx

Just to confirm i am 'still' pregnant :roll: he then asks, how do you know if you are losing a baby - i actually felt shocked that he didnt know this. I said 'the most obvious sign is a bleed' - i felt like sitting him down and educating him on the whole journey of a baby being made - but on the other hand i wanted to punch him in the face :lol: as if i am not anxious enough i dont need him wanting me to poas just to confirm to him our baby is still cooking away :wall2:

When i first found out with a one stop strip, he believed me, but would only really believe it when he saw it in words and now the next thing is seeing the bump - i seriously want to strangle him!

Im 6 weeks and 5 days, so it sounds like i am seeing someone maybe earlier than usual?

With your bloody thinning scenario, does that mean they keep an extra eye on you? xx

Yes they do classed as high risk. I inject with clexane a blood thinning injections from 6 weeks when there is a heartbeat and continue until 6 weeks after delivery. Then usually they start sweeps at 38 weeks and if I haven't gone myself (never happened) they have always induced me on my due date. However I was admitted at 37 weeks with baby number 4 he was in an unstable lie so they induced me and ended in an emergency section I was 37+3. I will have to have a planned section this time as I haemorraged. Super scared this time round! Although first 3 inductions were a breeze and I actually enjoyed Labour.. .crazy I know!! Xxx
Someone at work has just asked me when I’m going for no2. It’s so hard to be blasé about it knowing!! People have been asking this practically since she was born though &#128580;

My mom has also been buying baby vests!!! I’m really grateful obviously but I’ve had to tell her not to buy any more &#128584;

Haha what's your mum like!! Xx
6 weeks today! It feels like a bit of a milestone, but the real milestone will be getting through the next 6 weeks, some days I feel like time has stopped!

Lost my appetite a bit and got some mild nausea on and off

Niknaknoo you are right about it being hard in the first trimester being around people who don’t know, I’m not making any more social plans until after 12 week scan date as it’s been so hard getting through this weekend! I’ve got a spa day to get through this Saturday, we get a glass of prosecco which will be getting discretely tipped away somewhere! I might just ‘accidentally’ knock it over,

Got my booking in appointment this afternoon so it’s starting to feel a bit more real now

IVW men are useless about this sort of stuff they’ve got no clue how it all works!

Yey to 6 weeks!!!
Good luck with your appt! Let us know how you get on xxx
I take aspirin too mummymoreton, for my heart condition so I know what it’s like to have extra people prodding and poking at me! No fun! But I just like to think that I’m being well looked after! Which I’m glad of with this being my first pregnancy as I’m all new to this so it’s nice to have people who know what they’re doing helping me out :) Luckily I’m not monitored as much as I thought I would be, i just have a couple of extra appointments and scans. :) xx
I take aspirin too mummymoreton, for my heart condition so I know what it’s like to have extra people prodding and poking at me! No fun! But I just like to think that I’m being well looked after! Which I’m glad of with this being my first pregnancy as I’m all new to this so it’s nice to have people who know what they’re doing helping me out :) Luckily I’m not monitored as much as I thought I would be, i just have a couple of extra appointments and scans. :) xx

Aww what problem do you have with your heart? Just being a nosey nurse now Haha! Yes it is reassuring being kept an eye on I think they have no choice now I make myself known ha! What extra monitoring have they said? Growth scans? Xxx
I think the closer it got to us TTC the more it irritated me. I feel like the more I deny the more suspicious it looks!! I think I’m more scared this time round of something happening hat I was first time!!
My moms hilarious, was going on holiday in April but she’s cancelled!!!
Booking in appointment went fine, she said I’m low risk in everything so will get the usual amount of appointments, MW is going to send off for my 12 week scan date so should get that in the post within a week, eeek! She worked me out to be due on 13th April so 6+2 but I’m going to stick with the date I worked out as her date was assuming I ovulated on CD15 but I didn’t even have the sex till CD16 and got positive opk CD17! Can’t bloody wait for 12 week scan, just need to distract myself until then x
And yeah people asking when you’re going to have a baby, urgh mind your own business! I’ve been getting it a lot for the last year or so now, often from people who I barely know, I got asked when I was in the middle of my MC which really annoyed me, I had been off sick and I’m never off sick and apparently everyone I work with was speculating it was because I was preggers &#128528;&#128580;
So I’ve just booked a private scan for Sunday 2nd September, eeek so excited and so nervous, I can count down the days to that now and that will keep me occupied for a bit ha ha

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