
Here's Hoping

Jan 9, 2010
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Hi Everyone

Thought I would come on and post my concerns (and excitement!) and see if I can get some reassuarance from you ladies.

I am due on 22nd October and this is my 3rd week off work. Don't know about anyone else but I am so bored waiting! There is only so much day time tv you can watch. I feel brain dead! Because of all this spare time on my hands I am getting increasingly anxious about the impending birth. I can't wait to meet our baby and hold him or her but I am getting into a state about the birth. Many days I feel ok about it and can handle things and just want it here so I can get on with it but then other days I just dread it. Maybe it's fear of the unknown. I am scared about the pain and tearing but will do anything to make sure my baby is healthy :lol:

Any reassuring stories or comments would be welcome xx
hi and welcome!
Im really exciting about the birth as i dont think about anything bad what so ever. I think its unneseceary to scare my self and worry cuz you never know, you might just do it with no problems what so ever :D
I acctually cant wait!

what really scares me tho is to bring that little boyy home.... scary
I agree with Evelina. I've no idea what birth will be like, just gonna take it as it comes. If my sister can do it twice, she has a very low pain threshold, then I'm sure I can! I'm more concerned about whether I'm gonna be able to look after my baby properly, definately more scary for me x x
tri 2 crasher here if you dont mind :D
i am also developing a strange nervous feeling about the actual birth part, im just slightly worried about how its all going to pan out etc, dont know why im worrying because we gotta do it! i said to someone i know who is due in a few weeks time about being nervous and she just said "theres no other way out of the situation so you just gotta go with it" and for some reason thats really helped me, hope you can ease your mind, its a bloody scary thing to go through i think! x
Know what you mean, if I think about it too much I get a bit worried! But the way I see it, my mum had 5 kids and no complications and she assures me that the women in our family are breeding machines :p
I think we just have to keep remembering that childbirth is a completely natural process and billions of women have done it no probs!!
I never really got into the hypnobirthing thing, but I did get the book by Marie Mongan from the library and the beginning is really reassuring - reminds you how in some countries women just 'get on with it' and actually give birth while working out in the fields or just leaning up against a wall!
Us 'modern' cultures do tend to make a big deal out of it I feel :)
I was never scared with my first! I kept saying to myself ive never done it before so whats to be scared of?! Yeah labour did hurt but its a pain you forget!
With this pregnancy, the whole way through ive been calm about it and actually looking forward to labour until a couple of days ago and now im thinking, shit, it's gonna happen soon!! I'm also scared of after having the baby, cos ive been so used to just the 3 of us, now theres gonna be 4!!
Everyone gets nervous though hun, just think millions of women have done it all before us so of course we can do it too! x x
Hi huni, to be honest I know how you are feeling as well - I get a few mins each day when I think Oh god this is getting nearer how am I going to cope, what will happen - I had said this to a few people and they have said well you have done it before but it was 9 years ago! I honestly didnt think it was as bad as made out last time and you def do forget that pain - all I can remember thinking when he was coming out ' Get this thing outta me!' Charming and to be honest I dont really mind anythingelse!! xx

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