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pink lady

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2005
Reaction score
Just wondered how anyone else at this stage was feeling? I am very excited (first time mum), but sometimes i feel overwhelmed at the idea of this abby actually being here! Will i know what to do? Will i be a good mummy? all those things run through my mind, and i know it's to do with hormones and stuff, i mean most of the time i'm teeming with excitement at this new life i'm about to meet!

Now that the nursery is complete, everything is bought and paid for, all clothes ironed and folded in age groups! and i mean it when i say my house is spotless! i just need the baby to arrive! i am ready! I know i only have one week max to wait a si am being induced on 20/10 if i dont't go naturally beforehand. My due date is 16/10 (Sunday), and i have been eating fresh pineapple, had a curry, long walk today, i'm amost at the point of having sex!!!! :oops: ha ha!

Would love to hear how anyone else is feeling at this stage of the pregnancy.

Pink lady.x
I feel like this a lot.

I have been mildly anxious about being a mum and having a newborn since I felt the first real kick and realised that I really am going to be a mum.

I wish I could feel the excitement that most pregnant women feel of counting down the days to meet their baby, but at the moment I feel as though I could just stay pregnant forever.

(And this is from soneone who loves babies, loves her husband, waited until the right time, etc etc etc)
Hi Pink Lady

I also feel very excited but at the same really apprehensive. I'm torn between wanting baby out so I can meet the little poppet as well as sit/lay/stand comfortably again. But at the same time I'm feeling not quite ready yet!! As long as it's in my belly, I'm in control, but once baby's born the real work begins.

But I will have no choice in the matter - baby will come out when he/she wants to - could be today or it could be 3 weeks away!! And I'm certain all new mums-to-be feel like this when the birth becomes so imminent.

Anyway lots of luck to you - not long to go now!

Thanks for your replies, made me feel a whole lot more normal! I am excited, but the occasional wave of worry hits. I guess we are all on a big emotional wave, as you say from first kick to delivery, so it's only natural to worry. At the minute baby is in a controlled environment, but it will soon be out and being it's own little person!

No twinges yet or anything, trying to be patient...!!!!

Good luck to you all!x
Hi All!

Im not as far on as all yous girls, but one thing I have to say is I am now at the worrying stage. Everytime i go to the loo and I wee a little much I think about my waters breaking...I never thought that I would be so tired but the las few weeks has really been a drag for me Im so tired its unreal....I just want to have my baby now... even though I still have things to buy that would be fine I am just finding carrying this extra weight a little struggle. N e 1 else feel like this|?
Hi Dani

Yes - I can definitely relate to the tiredness - sometimes in town I'm in a shop and I feel like I don't have the energy to walk back to my car!!

I'm with you there ladies. It's that very last major up hill struggle before... a totally different kind of new challenge! I'm trying just to focus on the cuteness of my sprog and how fun it will be to meet them as much as possible as frankly the birth and the first 6 weeks terrify me and there's nothing I can really do about either of those things as I'll just have to take it as it comes. Sure I've been to the classes, asked for advice and read some books but it's so personal that you just can't really guess what it will be like can you?

My body feels totally worn out, not helped by a stinking cold that I caught off someone at work mind you. Breathing is hard, every position is hard after more than an hour or two, my brain is utterly gone and I still have seven weeks to go! I'd like to just go to sleep for the next 6 weeks and then wake up and for it to be time!

At least I have you lot to make me feel normal in all of this- I don't know what state I'd have been in without the support and community on here!


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