Anyones lo's heartbeat faint at early scan and still okay??


New Member
Sep 24, 2013
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Hi, I had an early scan done yesterday due to having a mmc in jan this year. I should be 7.5 weeks (am sure of dates as took trigger shot to ovulate) however was only measuring 6.5 weeks and heartbeat was very faint. I have to go back next week for follow up scan. I know this is normally a sign that a miscarraige will probaby occur but i suppose im clutching at straws to hear of someone who went through this with a positive outcome. The waiting is killing me and the thoughts of losing another is breaking my heart.
Hey, I had miscarriage in May and fell pregnant again in June.was so worried the same would happen again so I went for an early scan at about 7 weeks. They wouldn't even let me listen to heartbeat and said we may not even see it yet as at this early stage babies don't all develop at the same rate. Saw a little flicker, and that was it. I'm now 18 weeks and all going well.

Hope everything works out for you x
hi Toria, thanks so much for your reply so sorry for your loss but huge congrats on your pregnancy. They also wouldnt let me listen to heartbeat just seen the flicker on the screen but did comment on it being slow and how that was a concern. The week in the difference is also worrying. Feeling so crap today in worok today, quite nauseas and slight af like cramps so have all sorts going through my head. I am taking cyclogest twice a day and have been prescribed HCG injections to take every second day for the next week so dont know what symptoms are real and what are side effects from the meds. :wall2: :wall2: Oh and dont know why writing in op is so big, was not my intention :shock:
everything is a worry isn't it. This is my 6th pregnancy and I've got 2 children. I'm still worrying over everything.

Hopefully the week passes quickly for you, and you get some good news x

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