Anyone using the Wii Fit?


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2007
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I managed to get hold of a Wii Fit last week after patiently waiting for them to appear on the stock checkers :cheer:

I am intending to use it daily plus going out for walks with LO in pram etc to try and lose weight and tone up.

I have only been using it for five days but already my bmi has come down :)

Is anyone else using the wii fit and getting results? How long have you been using it for and do you think it was worth it?
I have been using mine when Calleigh has a nap and doing about 45mins worth of activities.
I find the exercises quite good especially the yoga and muscle workouts, still have loads to unlock but i find this quite motivating.

Me and the OH have promised to make each other use it once a day at least as we both need to lose weight
i'd love to use mine more often as i'm sure it would help me. but connor hardly ever sleeps so i don't really get the chance. :wall:

the hula hooping on it is fab!!
Booooooo...I'm jealous...Can't get motivated WHATSOEVER on mine.

But the Yoga excercises are good, can really feel the stretching and stuff. Also, I used to do the free step for 30 mins and watch TV at the same time, you have to unlock it first too. And also the boxing one, that's really good for burning fat. And the running..Basically all the aerobics stuff on there :D
purple13 said:
i'd love to use mine more often as i'm sure it would help me. but connor hardly ever sleeps so i don't really get the chance. :wall:

the hula hooping on it is fab!!

I am getting quite the pro at the hula hooping, much to OHs dismay. I absolutely wet myself laughing at him doing it as it looks like he is humping thin air :rotfl: :rotfl: he cant quite roll his hips round properly :lol:
I got mine about 8 weeks ago and I love it. I have lost 5lbs but I don't get a chance to use it as often as I would like. I don't think the weight lose is due to the Wii Fit, but I certainly think it gives you a good incentive and keeps you motavated. xxx
I've got one, loved it for about about a week, then lost all motivation due to PND :(
It is really good though, I hope I can get back to mine soon as I'm piling on the pounds again comfort eating! :wall:
i love using mine. my mum and her friends have it too - we all love it - my mum is with ww and usually does no exercise at all but she now trains on the wii fit every day and has lost 12lb i think

Am so sick of them being out of stock, especially with them being advertised like crazy on the TV! Argh, I get it and I want one but I can't begging well get hold of one... stupid TV :shakehead:
I dont get it !!! I really really wanna at least try one to know what the fuss is about because iv heard such good things from everyone......

but, you why wouldnt you just buy a hulahoop and do it while ya watch tv, or go for a real jog, or go to a nice yoga class, run up n down the stairs ?
Probably cheaper, but then iv just thought is the wii fit like the dance mat, like it tells youhow many calories your burning and all that sort of thing ?
I've had mine a week and I love it :cheer:

I started Weight Watchers on Monday and I do 30-60 minutes on the Wii Fit each day (plus 10 minutes Free Running every night, but I think I'm ready to move up to 20 minutes :D ) and my BMI has gone down already.

I dunno how much I've lost cos weigh day isn't til Monday and I'm gonna use my proper bathroom scales for that :)

I've unlocked everything except a few muscle workouts... I totally love it!!

I can't get the hang of Advanced Boxing though, I get annoyed with that :lol:

MagicMarkers said:
I dont get it !!! I really really wanna at least try one to know what the fuss is about because iv heard such good things from everyone......

but, you why wouldnt you just buy a hulahoop and do it while ya watch tv, or go for a real jog, or go to a nice yoga class, run up n down the stairs ?
Probably cheaper, but then iv just thought is the wii fit like the dance mat, like it tells youhow many calories your burning and all that sort of thing ?

Yes you could just buy a hula hoop or go for a real jog, it's probably more beneficial if you did some proper exercise as well as using the Wii Fit, but for people who hate going to the gym or whatever it's ideal. I've never been for a real run in my life, I have a treadmill that I never use, but with the Wii Fit I've found motivation that I never knew I had :lol:

It has the option of a body test which tests your balance and weighs you, and also gives you your Wii Fit age.

It doesn't tell you how many calories you've burnt but it keeps track of how many minutes you've spent on it, daily and altogether :)

I waited AGES for mine and I got so bored that I nearly cancelled the order, but I'm so glad I didn't. Best £70 I've ever spent 8)
Well i have only had it under a week and i am loving it :D Doing about 45 mins a day.
Havent got the time to go out and jog so just do my fitness when Calleigh is having a nap.
Plus i like the fact it tracks your weight, bmi, minutes exercised etc etc and you can see your progress on a chart :)

MonsterMunch have you tried the stock checkers. Google Wii Fit stock checker. I ran them everytime i was online and eventually they cropped up. But you have to be bloody quick. I refused to pay silly money for one, some sites dont half try and rip you off.
I eventually got mine from Game 69.99 with free delivery.

I am rubbish at the balance games but i am good at the muscle exercises. I definately feel the ache the day after using the wii fit.
I am determined to make my mii charactor thinner :rotfl:
monster_munch said:

Am so sick of them being out of stock, especially with them being advertised like crazy on the TV! Argh, I get it and I want one but I can't begging well get hold of one... stupid TV :shakehead:

I know I want one as well, me going to ask for one for santy :(
MagicMarkers said:
I dont get it !!! I really really wanna at least try one to know what the fuss is about because iv heard such good things from everyone......

but, you why wouldnt you just buy a hulahoop and do it while ya watch tv, or go for a real jog, or go to a nice yoga class, run up n down the stairs ?
Probably cheaper, but then iv just thought is the wii fit like the dance mat, like it tells youhow many calories your burning and all that sort of thing ?

For me personally (and Im sure most mums on here are the same) its because if im not at work I always have oran with me, I cant go to the gym with him or a proper run (we do go walking though) I cant keep a proper hoola up but when oran is asleep I can go on this and do the activities without leaving my son, when im working I hardly see him so I refuse to get someone to watch him while I go to the gym on my days off!

I love it, wont get on it for a week though as out the house 6.30 back in at 7.30 put oran to bed and do tea, finished by 8.30/9pm, veg out for an hour catching up with OH and in bed by 10, thats my life for the next 7 days.

I havnt lost anything yet but thats A) I dont go on it daily (its my new goal to do so as much as possible except when im on my 4 12 hour days on!) b) I havn't stopped eating crap :oops: (I have from today, ive done really well so far lol) but Im now on track so hope I will start to shift it up
Hmm i may have to get one, you girls are pretty persuasive, plus the dogs chewed through the hulahoop iv had since i was 7 so i dont think thats going to work lol :D :rotfl: Its sounding ratherr addictive !!
dog chewed hola hoop, im thinking its not gonna work no pmsl.

It is adictive especially once on it you can go for hours, or until the kids wake up lol, for me its just the getting on part!! I LOVE the boxing, the step aerobics, the yoga & hoola hoop best. Im unbalanced apparently so im not keen on them ones ha ha

Go for it you will love it I swear (if you can find one!)
I did 20 jackknife things (like sit ups) the other day and my abs still hurt!!

I just can't do the advanced boxing though, it's really pissing me off :(
x-kirsty-x said:
I did 20 jackknife things (like sit ups) the other day and my abs still hurt!!

I just can't do the advanced boxing though, it's really p*ssing me off :(

Loving the boxing however i havent unlocked the advanced boxing yet.
Still loving it, made my mum have a go the other day and she was so funny. She couldnt hula hoop at all i think her spin count was a total of 6 :rotfl: Bless her

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