Anyone TTC and overweight


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2017
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Hiya my BMI is little on the higher side around 26.5. I never manage to lose the last stone after my daughter so I am just wondering if this is affecting my fertility and also even if I was to get pregnant I am worried about gaining so much more weight. Anyone thinking the same? Is it even possible to not to gain too much weight during pregnancy?
I also want to say I am very worried about getting too big and than I would never lose it again :(
I’m in the same position. I’m 5 foot 5 and 11.5 stone. I was 9.5 stone before I had my son (16 months old) but with me still breastfeeding him I just can’t shake the extra weight.
I just aim to eat really healthily during pregnancy and focus on the weight after as if we conceive this will be our last baby.
My bmi is high. I'm ttc and going to battle the weight after Xmas. We've been ntnp for 6 yrs now so I'm not expecting it to happen overnight... It's hard to lose weight when your stressed over ttc but you need to lose weight to help ttc!
Hiya we are very similar with height and weight however I am feeling very down about it. I just look at myself and think arghhh and don’t want to gain anymore weight. I actually feel like I can handle looking at fatter than this compared to what o used to look like. Does it also affect you? And also makes you worried gaining so much more?
Yes it’s catch 22 isn’t it? We need to lose to conceive but I just can’t stuck to any healthy eating plans. I gained a lot with my first that’s with eating well and exercise. This time I am already overweight and I have a bad back and sciatica pain weight doesn’t help these so annoying
Hiya we are very similar with height and weight however I am feeling very down about it. I just look at myself and think arghhh and don’t want to gain anymore weight. I actually feel like I can handle looking at fatter than this compared to what o used to look like. Does it also affect you? And also makes you worried gaining so much more?

It really affects me. I’ve been feeling really down about it recently because I was underweight at just 7.5 stone when my husband met me many years ago and even though I was just as unhealthy back then I keep thinking I’m 4 stone heavier now. How can he still be attracted to me? He tells me he is but when I look at myself in the mirror I struggle.

I’m eating a lot of crap at the moment with the time of year but I’ll be getting a happiness planner for Christmas which I hope will be the motivation I need.
I was 19 stone 2 years ago (as a side effect of medication). I lost it in 2 years with a low carb's very easy and I didn't even exercise. So don't worry about getting stuck being overweight. It wasn't until my BMI came down to 25 that my hormones stabilised and I had a clear luteal phase. I still worry I have too many curves for my body frame and that it might be a factor. I'm still on a moderate carb diet. I would say yes if you are over BMI of 25 it may be affecting your cycle. Are you BBTing? If so you will know if you are ovulating.

If you can get the weight down a bit it may well help but diet and weight loss can temporarily hinder conception too. And calorie counting can put alot of stress on your body.

If you ever want to know about low carb diets I'm happy to bore you to death!
Hi sunflower please bore me to death lol as I really want to get pregnant and maybe losing a stone would do this for me. Can you give me the details please ??? If it’s better is there a way to privately message people here?
My BMI is very high, I was in the middle of losing weight when I got my BFP - for some reason I couldn't shift any weight and it soon turned out that was because I was already pregnant so the diet wasn't working lol.

But really, I wouldn't say your BMI is a problem at all, although everyone is different. I thought mine would be a huge problem and it hasn't been. I only wish I had been able to lose the weight beforehand so I felt better about myself and for no other reason x
BMI is more of an issue as you get older. I was 39 when I was 19 stone and it really messed up my hormones. They said it has more of an effect the older you get - basically it felt like they were telling me I was old and fat!!. Also after a certain weight there can be risks to the pregnancy.
Hi sunflower please bore me to death lol as I really want to get pregnant and maybe losing a stone would do this for me. Can you give me the details please ??? If it’s better is there a way to privately message people here?

Have sent you a long boring msg about low carb!
What is a happiness planner?

It's this

It works on a positive thinking vibe and has:

Daily Inspirational Quotes
Daily "Today I'm Excited About"
Daily Main Focus
Daily Meals & Exercise
Daily Schedule
Daily To-Dos
Daily Reflection and Positive Thinking
Daily Gratitude
Space for notes
Monthly Reflection
Yearly Reflection

I'm going to use it to help me lose weight hopefully or at least eat healthier if I manage to become pregnant. They aren't cheap though but I need something to make me feel more positive!
This happiness planner looks really good. It’s not cheap like you said it might be worth getting one I am going to look into it now. Thanks
This happiness planner looks really good. It’s not cheap like you said it might be worth getting one I am going to look into it now. Thanks

I asked my husband for it for my Christmas present. :)

I'm absolutely desperate for the motivation and my oldest sister has had one and lost 4 stone so far (she was 18 stone though).
Agree motivation is the key to everything as without that its not possible to follow it through. I also lack motivation in that department so its something I am going to look into buying it
hey Cornishgirl, just looking at that website , it actually looks amazing, is it the 40 pounds one you are getting?
hey Cornishgirl, just looking at that website , it actually looks amazing, is it the 40 pounds one you are getting?

I'm getting the £54 one but it's identical inside to the £40 one. The only difference is the £54 one is a Filofax so you can buy new inserts every year and keep using it.
I’m NTNP for now but want to start trying in the new year. I know I need to lose weight though, and I already made a start in the last few months but it’s very slow going.

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