Anyone thought about feeding??


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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Have any of you ladies started thinking about how you are going to feed LO?
I've decided that I would like to express (an opinion that has been slated by my midwife and some of my family!)
My OH works strange hours and is sometimes up at the crack of dawn (or up watching golf and cricket until the small hours) so it would make sense for him to be able to feed baby if he's up instead of me waking up (as I'm sure I’ll be doing enough of that as it is!) I also found that when my baby brother was born 6 years ago, every day I would do his 6pm feed which has made us close (and i feel less close with my 4 year old breast fed sister) and I’d like to share that sort of closeness with our families. I'm also not overly keen of having a baby attached to my breast all day (am I a bad person for saying that?!?!)
When the midwife asked my plans and I said express and my reasons she said 'well you can breast feed in the day and express at night' and I was like NO that’s not what I said!!
What's wrong with expressing? Baby is still getting the nutrients it would've from breast feeding!
Anyway what are your plans in an ideal world?
Good thread :)

TBH hun, from hearing other people's experiences and my own, I have found that most MWs are not happy unless you are breastfeeding naturally day and night. I think this can actually be very detrimental to the mother- I have a history of depression and was high risk for post-natal, and after four frustrating weeks of Amelia rapidly losing weight (due to her not getting nearly enough from my milk), I had to put her on bottles- she was fine after that, but my confidence was really shaken. I felt I'd let her down, and I firmly believe that was because my MW had drummed it in to me throughout pregnancy that breastfeeding was the be-all and end-all. My advice is ignore them. It's your baby and YOUR BODY, you do what's right for you. Whew, lecture over :lol:

To answer your q, I'm going to try and breastfeed again, but if it doesn't work I wont stress it. Also planning to express a bit, just so OH and Pud get the chance to feed baby too. Main reason I want to bfeed is so I have to stay off the fags for even longer- I reckon if I can go a whole year without them then I can tell myself it would be stupid to go back after all that time! Who knows if it'll actually work though! :oooo:
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I am going to bf, as long as all goes well. I loved feeding Lennon and got on fine with it so hopefully all will go well again this time.

It's totally up to individuals how they intend to feed their babies, I wouldn't worry about your mw or family hun!!
im bottle feeding, shock horror!!! i know the beneifts of the breast but i really cant bring myself to do it. i bottle fed both my other children and dispite the tales of 'children who are bottle fed get asthma coughs colds more hospital visits etc' my children are very healthy and have no medical problems.

I think its personal choice and no one should be pursuaded either way.
I intend to breastfeed. I will express sometimes, if we are going out or so that o/h can take on night feeds. That's the plan anyway!
Did any of you watch that documentary on BBC 3 with Cherry investigating Breast Feeding?
I am worried that is something did go wrong like with you Bexybun or it was painful (like the poor girl in the documentary) that I would feel bad and possibly spark PND or something (that I worry about getting anyway! such a worrier!)
My OH doesn’t want me to BF as he knows that I put too much pressure on myself as it is and if it wasn’t working out I’d be gutted! But at the same time I do want what’s best for LO!
So confusing!!
there are loads of breastfeeding support groups out there if you feel like you do want to try to do it and need the extra support :hug: x
I am hoping to bf but I am concerned about it when I go out the house! OH says I could express for this but I am not sure, I think I will decide after and OH can nip to mothercare to buy a milk extraction tool!!!!!
It's never been something that's ever appealed to me Princess! Having said that I was very un-maternal until getting pregnant and day by day that’s changing! I WILL try it as the midwife said that they encourage you to do it for the first 3 days at least!
No one has spoke to me about it yet but my plan is to breast feed and express so that daddy can bond with crumpet too.

Is it ok to breast feed and bottle feed ? or will it confuse the baby? is that a really stupid question?

Im bottle feeding. I was diagnosed with milk duct cysts a few years ago and was told that bf wouldnt be an option as I will develop more cysts which I will have to have surgically removed and I prob wouldnt be able to provide much anyway.
I do dread the pressure from midwives tho!
Have any of you ladies started thinking about how you are going to feed LO?
I've decided that I would like to express (an opinion that has been slated by my midwife and some of my family!)
My OH works strange hours and is sometimes up at the crack of dawn (or up watching golf and cricket until the small hours) so it would make sense for him to be able to feed baby if he's up instead of me waking up (as I'm sure I’ll be doing enough of that as it is!) I also found that when my baby brother was born 6 years ago, every day I would do his 6pm feed which has made us close (and i feel less close with my 4 year old breast fed sister) and I’d like to share that sort of closeness with our families. I'm also not overly keen of having a baby attached to my breast all day (am I a bad person for saying that?!?!)
When the midwife asked my plans and I said express and my reasons she said 'well you can breast feed in the day and express at night' and I was like NO that’s not what I said!!
What's wrong with expressing? Baby is still getting the nutrients it would've from breast feeding!
Anyway what are your plans in an ideal world?

BOTTLE ALL THE WAY - im sorry if that offends anyone but there is so way in 30yrs time i can sit across the dinner table from my son on xmas day knowing he was suckling away at me eeekkk, te same goes for m daughter to lmao

plus its so much easier another plus lol
I would definitely breast feed if i could as i would do anything to ensure my LO is getting all that she/he needs but unfortunately i am not able to due to the medication i will be on for my MS (multiple Sclerosis) after the birth.

I think that expressing is also a very good choice as baby is getting all that they need but is not attached to you 24/7. xxx
Have any of you ladies started thinking about how you are going to feed LO?
I've decided that I would like to express (an opinion that has been slated by my midwife and some of my family!)
My OH works strange hours and is sometimes up at the crack of dawn (or up watching golf and cricket until the small hours) so it would make sense for him to be able to feed baby if he's up instead of me waking up (as I'm sure I’ll be doing enough of that as it is!) I also found that when my baby brother was born 6 years ago, every day I would do his 6pm feed which has made us close (and i feel less close with my 4 year old breast fed sister) and I’d like to share that sort of closeness with our families. I'm also not overly keen of having a baby attached to my breast all day (am I a bad person for saying that?!?!)
When the midwife asked my plans and I said express and my reasons she said 'well you can breast feed in the day and express at night' and I was like NO that’s not what I said!!
What's wrong with expressing? Baby is still getting the nutrients it would've from breast feeding!
Anyway what are your plans in an ideal world?

BOTTLE ALL THE WAY - im sorry if that offends anyone but there is so way in 30yrs time i can sit across the dinner table from my son on xmas day knowing he was suckling away at me eeekkk, te same goes for m daughter to lmao

plus its so much easier another plus lol

Anyone watch Little Britain? "Bitty" Lol!
I'm def breast feeding, gets your figure back lol! I'll be expressing some times too (just brought my pump) so I can also have a life and a few drinkies when I want! Expressing does make feel like a cow though! I would imagine you will go one way or the other Pinky which just now you might not know what will suit you till you do it. I couldn't be bothered expressing, sterilizing and warming milk for every feed when your boob is just there ready, I'm lazy!

I'm not maternal what so ever but breast feeding just seemed right for me, I am a bit of a hippy chick though so didn't even consider bottle feeding. I think each woman should just do what's right for her after weighing up all the pros and cons for her life style, we're all different and so are our babies, there shouldn't be pressure on anyone to do one thing or the other, and neither should either method be frowned upon when out and about, babies need to eat too! We live in a funny society at times!

My friend bottle and breast fed after a few weeks, and used formula and it worked really well for her, she found her 3 year old was naughty every time she was breast feeding which isn't good but using bottle she had more freedom to run after her without her boob hanging out lol!
Im bottle feeding too ( adds to the shock!! ). It is my personal preference and besides i have two extremely healthy children who i bottlefed from the start. Its an individual choice and i think way too much pressure is put on mothers to breastfeed. Also its just not fair on the mothers who cant for whatever reason.
I say do whatever suits you as an individual, lets face it, whatever choice you make as a mother, it will be the best thing for you and your baby and therefore the best choice :D x
I have decided to feed my baby formula. My reasons, both my sister and I were deperatly ill as babies because we were allergic to mum's milk. I don't want to risk my baby being ill. I know I will have to be really forceful as mw is already pressurizing me about breastfeeding.
I was asked at my first MW apt what I was going to do and the answer was bottle. I breastfed with my first and it was a terrible experience for me, yes she latched on ok, and was getting milk, but it was very very very sore and she wasn't getting alot of milk, she was wanting fed every hour and half for around 2 months. I tried expressing but even after expressing for 2 hours I still only had half a bottles worth. I wasn't able to let OH feed her or go away for a day/night out, basically I had her on my boob for 2 months, I cried constantly due to lack of sleep - i had bottles and steraliser bought just incase and after nearly 2 months of not sleeping more than 2 hrs i went to my local shop and got SMA and never looked back.

Obviously this is just my personal experience and lots of people have positive stories of breastfeeding. I may breastfeed for the first day or 2 but I will by no means make it a permanent thing.

I'm bottle feeding (I know bad mother !!) my other 2 were bottle feed and have recently seen a very good friend really struggle with it even having to piece her nipple back together (sorry for tmi). I too have a history of post natal depression and dont want the extra pressure on myself. My boys are perfectly healthy and i too was a bottle fed baby. I'm lucky no one mentioned it yet have when asked after giving birth to my other 2 didnt meet any problems. however our maternity unit has now stopped supplying the milk have to take your own in with u xxx
There really shouldn't be all this pressure on mums, it's a shame that everyone who is bottle feeding in this thread has almost felt like they need to apologize! I was asked at my 12 booking in app whether I was going to breast feed, I know I plan to but that's putting pressure on from day one! I mean yeah talk about these things at antenatal classes or nearer the big day so we have all the info but at your 12 week app seems a bit soon to me, youve barely got used to being pregnant! I was even asked what my birth plans were!!!

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