Anyone taking Progesterone


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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I'm now into my 3rd IUI, and as the doctor said 3 or 4 goes before we move on to IVF I wanted to do everything possible to increase our chances. So I asked her if we could increase the Femora dose which she did and we got 2 follicles instead of the usual 1 which is great.
I had the IUI on Tuesday, hubbies sperms weren't as good as last month but still good enough and then asked about progesterone as I've been reading this helps with implantation and she said yes to that so I start Endometrin supositories tomorrow.
It just goes to show if you don't ask you don't get! I have absolutly everything crossed this works this month as with 2 eggs we have double the chance surely.

Everyone seems to be having babies or getting pregnant around me at the moment which is really hard. My cousin just had a baby girl who is gorgeous and my friends twin girls, then we heard yesterday by hubbies mate is pregnant with their 1st after 1 month of trying :wall2:. It just feels too much and that it should be me :mad: This will be my 22nd cycle, nearly 2 years TTC I want my turn now!!!

Sorry got off track there but needed the moan. So is anyone else on Progesterone? I'm a bit concerned about the side effects, has anyone had any bad ones??

Throwing loads of baby :dust: to you all, bring on the BFP's.
Any of the ladies that have already had IVF should have been on progesterone at some point so maybe they can help :)

I have also read very good things about 75mg aspirin per day to aid early pregnancy. I'm going to be mentioning to the nurse when i next see her ;)
Hi Buggy,
No bad side effects to speak of when I was on progesterone for IVF except it gets a bit... goooey iykwim... yuk!
Good luck :) xx
KI hope all the little extras you are getting is just what you need hunny.

It can be most unbearable being surrounded by pregnant ladies and babies try and stay strong sweetie it will happen for you xx
Hi Buggy,

I haven't taken progesterone yet but I'm going to next time I get preggers, it hasn't been proven either way in clinical trials yet but from what I've researched it has in a lot of cases and is well worth a try.

Good Luck for this cycle, hope you get your BFP!:)

Thanks ladies. I tried the aspirin before and it didn't help me but I've heard good things about that too.
I'm starting to see what you mean about the Gooeyness Bead, I'm only on the first day & already gooey down there.... Nice! How do you go about sex on these things??
I'm feeling a lot more positive today but that will probably change at the end of the 2ww if I get a BFN.
Good luck buggy :) hope it works out this time.
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