Anyone seen a physio?


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2010
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Soo today I finally went to the docs after waiting 2weeks for an appointment!! Been having really bad hip/back pain for ages now and also sometimes in my pubic bone area and down my left leg, and the verdict is... I've been refered to a physiotherapist. She mentioned sciatica too. Said the physio would fit me with a support band which will help support everything but she didn't say much else, im thinking il probably be given exercises and stuff but I was wondering if anyone else has seen a physio and what actually happens?

Got gaviscon on prescription too, and lactulose for constipation! Woo hoo!

Sorry for the essay. Hope your all well xxxx
Will let you know on friday as I have an appointment with phsyo at half 2 x
I have no idea but i am going to be contacted from them soon for bladder weakness lol! xxx
Aww, all these pregnancy complaints are an absolute nighmare aren't they. I was fine to begin, think I jinxed myself! I actually feel like a granny! Ive got the pregnancy diabetes test at 8.40am tomorrow too coz my mum had it with me and brother. Fingers crossed i don't have it. Hope we all get ourselves sorted soon xxx
Yeah fingers crossed for you. I had bladder weakness before but pregnancy is making it worse god knows what ill be like after the baby :shock: the midwife said something about a electric machine which helps strengthen the muscles... i could do with physio for my side and back pain to be honest. If it gets any worse think i will...let me know what happens at your appointment xxx
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Thanks, I will do. I've just gotta wait for a phonecall too for an appointment. :shock: at the electric machine, but if it helps it will be awesome! I'm just gonna keep on with the pelvic floor exercises and hope for the best! Xxx
I seen a physio and she basically checks your back/hips and places that you have trouble with. She tells you ways to do things e.g getting in and out of bed, if your cleaning not to squat, to go on your knees, stuff like that. I got a bump support too, I hardly where it though cos when I'm out and getting in and out of car or sitting down then standing up it moves and is really annoying to keep fixing. I also bought a gym ball as it helps if your backs hurting to sit on that for half an hour xx
I've been going to physio for a few weeks now cos I knew it was gonna happen (and now has). Same as you honey. I was actually at physio today and she manipulated the alignment a bit and gave me tubigrip to wear. I've got it on now - feels quited good. She also gave me specific exercises for my alignment problem and also I keep working on the pelvic floor and balance ball exercises she gave me before. I go back in 2 weeks. Also got advice on how to sit, how to lie, and most specifically avoiding doing stuff on one leg, climbing stairs, in and out of car, putting knickers, sock and shoes on when sitting instead of balancing on one leg. they will give you the best advise. Hope your pain gets better soon. My physio wants to nip this in the bud now cos I'm only 16 weeks.....
The doctor referred me for physio about 3-4 weeks ago now and im still on the waiting list :-(

I did go out and buy a bump support band but it didnt seem to do much. Im thinking of having a personal training sesh especially tailored for pregnancy but i think i may be beyond even that now! I think ill be bed ridden at this rate! x
Emma- yeah I thought it would be something like that. I just wasn't expecting it, I thought she was just gonna give me a leaflet or something! I am defo gonna get one of them balls. Thanks xx

Tracey- Hope your feeling better soon. Yeah I'd like to know good ways of getting socks and stuff on! Bit embarrassing and lazy but the other day I wore a tight fitting top and leggings, my knickers were a bit tight an u could see my handles so decided I couldn't wear knickers with this outfit. I couldnt face the pain of bending + being a bit lazy I actually cut my knickers off! Hahaha! Xx

Cherelle- that's ages to wait! I hope it doesn't take much longer for u. I think I'll be a bit beyond help if I don't get seen in that time... And the doc said she's sorry to tell me but it will probably get worse. Fingers crossed we all get ourselves sorted soon xxx

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