Getting a refferal for physio


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2005
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Well I've been having discomfort in my legs (upper inner thighs/back of thighs) and my lower back and hips for a while now but for the most part it hasn't been enough to complain about.

I saw the midwife on Tuesday and she suggested physio might help, at the time I said no as I felt like it wasn't too bad as I can still walk etc. but then after another sleepless night becuase of aches/pains and a wierd twitching in one of my legs I got fed up so I rang the midwife office and they're going to write me a referral for physio.

In some ways I feel bad because I know a lot of people are worse off than me but if I've got another 17 weeks of this getting worse every week I'll go mad.

Has anyone else feeling like this or had a physio referral? Will it help at all? I don't expect my pregnancy to be pain free but this is getting me down a bit.
hun there are quite a few of us having physio on here mainly for spd which is possibly what you have developed :hug: its not pleasant but physio will show you ways to sit sleep give you some exercises which may help etc they may also fit you with a belt which keeps your pelvis from moving so much which will help some what with the pain they may also do some mild manipulation on your hips and pelvis which will make you quite sore the day of having it but usually helps in the long run depending on how bad you are or how much worse it gets you could also be offered hydropherapy and also the use of crutches they should see you at regular intervals and assess your needs as you go
ive had this on last 2 pregnancies and developed it again this time round some people find it takes a few weeks after birth to settle down mine has always settled within 2 days of giving birth hope this helps xxxxxxx
Thanks Rach, I guess as I've never had physio before I just have no idea what to expect. I know a bit about spd but not enough to know if that's what this is - tbh I don't care what they call it so long as I can do something to help!

It's good to know that it goes after pregnancy tho!
Hun you should never feel bad for being referred to anyone regardless of how far along you are! Pain is pain etc! Why whould you wait and suffer until later on when it may be very bad!? :hug:
I got referred when mine wasnt as bad! Im glad as I didnt want it to get bad! lol (though it is getting worse! :( Nothing much they can do though) hopefully you wont have SPD or PGP and its something they can help you more with and get rid of! :hug: :hug: :hug:

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