Coming Off The Pill - Symptoms To Expect


Sounds to me like coming off the pill gives lots of symptoms similar to being pregnant!

I too have been convincing myself that I feel them - I can't help thinking I could be, but then my reality thoughts check in and I convince myself its way too early yet.

I took my last pill on the 13th, ad withdrawal bleed for 4 days 18th-21st - bd on th 21st, 23rd & 24th - felt what I'm sure was ovulation pain on the left side on the 21st. Now I feel weird down below. maybe tmi but had cramps right down low, kind of pelvic floor area, and niggling pains which felt like when you have a smear test done. Also things down there feel swollen! sorry tmi!!! My bbs hurt for the first time ever yesterday evening!

Not having a clue when AF is due or when or if I ovulated, it all seems a bit too soon to be pg. So I'm trying to convince myself its all due to my body getting used to not having the pill and those symptoms are due to hormone weirdness.

Don't you just hate your imagination sometimes?


Well i got the results of my blood test today but it was negative. I am so disappointed and down about it but suppose its still early days. I'm now just waiting for af to appear which is starting to get annoying. I am on holiday shortly so no doubt it will come then.

GL to all those trying.

Vicky - keep me posted.

Regards Sheree
I hope next month will be your month shez!! Have you had sore BB's since you came off the pill? mine are starting to feel a little tender. Since you have had a negative test it has made me feel like either a) the pill is causing all of this or b) i'm imagining alot of it.

been really hormonal today - happy, sad, angry - up and down for no reason and i'm feeling a bit sick of being like this and not knowing :(
Hi all,

I came off the bcp in July 04 having been on it for 9.5 yrs. I could believe the difference when I came off, I did suffer quite bad headaches for the first month or so and apart from cramping etc just before AF I can honestly say, I have felt so much better since coming off.

my cycles have been a bit weird and after 2 28 day cycles immediately after, I now vary from 30-34, v frustrating when ttc and trying to calculate o!!

We have been TTC since January 05.

Anyway good luck to all.

Hi ToriElla

When i came off the pill (september last year) i did it the wrong way.. aparently you are supposed to finish a packet. I stoped half way through a packet because i was getting married and my mind was all over the place. I kept forgetting to take it so after missng 2 then 3 in the one month I stopped. We planned for me to stop taking the pill anyway... But my cycle was a little messed up that month. Iwish i'd of finished the packet because i've now learn't that we have a supper fertile period the frst month free from the pill. Anyway...i've now had 7 months without the pill. Last month for the first time I actually got 2 lines on my ovulation test. I nearly passed out! This month I also got 2 lines on my ovulation test. I finally feel like my body is sorting it's self out.....Some of the symptoms i got when i first came off the pill where.... very bad cramps down below, bloating (i looked 6 months pregnant) Mood swings, light bleeds then heavy bleeds. I was lucky that my cycle was between 25 and 29 days. The last 2 have been exactly 28 days. The longer i'm off the pill I am becoming more and more aware of my body's cycle signs. I can actually feel my body ovulating. It feels like very painfull period pains that only last for 30 min's. I have to sit down they are so painful.. The first few months from coming off the pill, all the symptoms i got where so close to pregnancy symptoms... i was even sick one day! I was off food. Certain foods even made me feel sick when i smelt them. I actually went tosee my doctor becausei was convinced was pregnant. I did about 5 tests and every one was BFN... The doctor confirmed i was not pregnant. She told me it was my body reacting to the pill no longer being in my system....

So hold on in there... it's exciting when you know your body is working right.
Hi Hayley,

Thanks for that!! I stopped half way through my pack also - i was forgetting them before that too and I have had very similar symptoms to what you said. I think i'll stop worrying and wait for my body to sort itself out!

Vicky xx
I'm sure the bcp will get itself out of our system eventually - I'm not going to worry about it no more, decided its too much of a let down and husband mentioned he doesn't want it to get us down keep trying and pressurizing us - lets just enjoy it and if it happens, it happens.

Vicky - let us know what happens.

Hi eveyone,

just to let you know i took a test last friday and it came back positive. I think i'm about 9wks gone because my last af was 11th may. so it seems to have taken two months before I concieved!

Vicky xx

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