I wish i had the money for a cleaner, i am quite lucky in that if i need baby sitter mine and my husbands family will babysit plus th e16 yar old girl next door comes and babysits too. with chores i have 5 children and they all have a job to do, my eldest 14 year old boy empties bins, my 12 year odl girl sort clean washing into piles, 6 year old son puts recycling iinto boxes, and my 5 year old daughter does the bathroom (she brings the clothes out and puts them in the washing basket downstairs), 5th is only 13 months old so he just makes the mess lol. me and husband do everything else, we just believe that it teches them a bit of responsibility, i take them street dance most nights and i just dont have the time to do everything, but they are good they all know their job and most of the time do it when it needs doing.