Anyone on here use a nanny/babysitter/mothershelp??


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2010
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Just wondered if anyone on here uses any help like that with children and chores?

I wish!! My family are good though if I need them to take LO for a while they will, and my mum takes the washing every now and then to keep us up to date. What makes you ask?
i will only be using family, but i used to work for a family who had 2 boys (aged 4 and 6 when i started) but they only got me in as the mother has MS and it had gotten very bad and had lead to her having a douple hip replacement, id been their babysitter for a year befor i started to work for them every day after school :) i loved it!
My mil and fil have the kids every now and then and sometimes they go to the Crèche at are local sure start but that's only if I'm on a course there or something. Otherwise I have them can't afford child care plus my daughter is in school now so it's not
Too hectic x
my mum and dad will have LO once I go back to work..x
defo not for chores but my son use to go to a private nursery when he was younger when i first went back to work, I work as a childminder so have other ppls kids my own will just be here with us all :)
er - i feel bad now - we have a cleaner that comes once a week (just for the 2 of us, extravagant i know but cleaning was the only thing we used to argue about) and MIL has said that she would love to be involved and would look after the baby once a week once i got back to work. oh and my m+d would cover hols etc.
How much does your cleaner cost once a week? I have been considering it lol :blush:
its extravagent - she comes for 3 hours and in that time she hoovers all floors and sofas etc, dusts all surfaces and around furniture, pictures etc and cleans 2 bathrooms and empties the bins. on alternative weeks she either changes the bed linen or empties the dishwasher/does the fridge etc.

she is £12 an hour which is £36 a week which is horrendous but as a compromise i have given up getting my eyelashes done!!

i reckon you could get it for £10/hour but we feel bad enough already...

i would reccommend it.
Seriously lol do u and ur partner work all hours or somthing? I love cleanin and even if i didnt could never justify spending money on having some1 come in and clean my house. Empties the bins??? lol tell me u dnt leave it full till the day she there???
As for ur MIL looking aftr ur LO when u working thats great will save u childcare money and will be nice for her to spend time with ur wee one. x
I wish i had the money for a cleaner, i am quite lucky in that if i need baby sitter mine and my husbands family will babysit plus th e16 yar old girl next door comes and babysits too. with chores i have 5 children and they all have a job to do, my eldest 14 year old boy empties bins, my 12 year odl girl sort clean washing into piles, 6 year old son puts recycling iinto boxes, and my 5 year old daughter does the bathroom (she brings the clothes out and puts them in the washing basket downstairs), 5th is only 13 months old so he just makes the mess lol. me and husband do everything else, we just believe that it teches them a bit of responsibility, i take them street dance most nights and i just dont have the time to do everything, but they are good they all know their job and most of the time do it when it needs doing.
We have a cleaner who keeps on top of things as the house is a bit big for me to manage now, and a nanny/mothers help for when little legs arrives.

Im a wheelchair user/partially disabled and thats the main reason we have them. Its worth if tho as it takes the pressure of my husband and daughter who are a massive help too but work full time and at 6th form as well as being carers too!

If I was completely independant I would do it myself but needs must and I didnt know when we bought this house I would be in this situation so its not so much an extravagance to us as it is a necessity.

Neither of us have any parents or family to help out so its a god send for us

£12 an hour? bloody hell! my mum does cleanung and shes 6-7 an hour!

I want to be a mothershelp/babysitter! I cant be a childminder as only doing my qualification in childcare and not ofsted registered. Id love to find a family to help out but just cant find anyone in my area!

Just really wondered what all u parents do!-Thanks for all your replies!


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