Anyone Not had??


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2008
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Morning Sickness :puke:

I havent had it, to be honest i dont have any symptoms except:

Lack of appitite or being starving and not knowing what i fancy

Heavy, tender to touch boobs

anyone else lacking morning sickness?
I havent had any symptons yet apart from the grumpiness but thats just normal lol
I only got sicknes in my last pregnancy slighty,i was lucky and didnt get any in my first two.
Wish I was lacking morning sickness!!!

I didnt have sore boobs till yesterday I took my bra of and nearly fell to the ground cos my boobs were so heavy :rotfl:
had it between 4weeks-8weeks and its just came back this morning with avengange when i tried to take my antibiotics
chezzabell said:
Wish I was lacking morning sickness!!!

I didnt have sore boobs till yesterday I took my bra of and nearly fell to the ground cos my boobs were so heavy :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl:
Hi, I'm the same as you - no real sickness, and I never really know what I fancy to eat. I know when I don't want something though.

My main symptom is that I'm soooooooooooooo tired (oh and my boobs feel bruised).

In a way, I wish I was a bit sicky as it would give me reassurance that there's something in there!
I never had even 5 mins of morning sickness and consider myself very lucky! I have friends who suffered so badly it kept them in the house for weeks!!

Its an absolute myth that its the sign of a healthy pregnancy, so dont worry at all if you dont suffer!!
I had hardly any morning sickness. A few days of low level nausea any time of the day, but it was never really bad, I could carry on working normally and I never vomited. Apparently only 45-50% of women ever get morning sickness.
Ive had a lucky escape too :) Have only felt sick not actually :) been sick xxx :)
Oh god ive had it alright lol now im not been sick as much but feel sick most of the day :puke: never know what I wanna eat either which is very annoying.
I didnt have morning sickness - i felt sick constantly in the early days - smells made me gag - but i only ever 'threw up' twice and it was only bile - was never actually sick! :hug:

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